Brief Overview
Titans returned with it’s fourth and what would ultimately turn out to be it’s final season. Whether people loved, hated, or just simply made fun of the series, it was always talked about on Twitter and clips posted to TikTok.
Coming off a very great season with Red Hood at the forefront of the season as a villain, the fourth season of Titans would have to truly deliver something huge. While we continued to review each episode on it’s own, today we delivered the overall season review.
This review will contain spoilers. You have time to click off the review if you haven’t finished the season.
Story – 8/10
Honestly, the story was very weak at times and the stuff revolving around Sebastian was drawn out for too long and it didn’t truly deliver the epic villain that we should have had. The story made it so that Sebastian would fully become Brother Blood halfway through the season but not fully turn into this powerful being until the final couple of episodes.
While it did have some great moments, the story was also hindered by the writing for Starfire, often wanting to go out on her own and fight alone is something that should have been left in season 1 or maybe season 2 at a push.
Action – 4/10
The action side of things was a major letdown in this season. There were too many moments where we see the Titans without their suits on or even involved in fights. There are some examples such as Rachel barely getting involved. This was further pivotal in the finale where she could’ve easily wiped out the meta-human soldiers guarding the door but she didn’t.
Titans have always been known for being brutal and not giving two shits, although this season we got next to none of that. It made the show more special knowing it was R-rated but this could probably pass as a 13+ at best if only there were fewer swear words.
Characters – 9/10
Characters in this season were fairly amazing if I’m honest. The only thing that lets characters down from being a straight 10/10 would simply be the lack of Red Hood and casting such a fantastic actor as Lex Luthor just for him to die within an episode.
One character that I thought had justice served was Gar. His entire arc throughout this season lead to something incredible in all of DCTV and that was him going into the Red and seeing the entire multiverse. From DC shows to animated shows to DC movies.
For more information on the full cast list, you can visit IMDb by clicking here.
Entertainment – 7/10
We’ve already mentioned a couple of times now that the season was slow. There were a lot of scenes that didn’t involve the Titans as a whole. I think what makes matters worse is that for over half of the season, we didn’t see them in their superhero suits, something we want to see regularly when we watch a superhero show. Besides that, I was entertained throughout. It had some special and incredible moments that more than made up for it.
Episodes – 8/10
The season had 12 episodes, all of which were the normal 45 minutes length. The only issue here is that the build-up to the season was slow but besides that, we don’t have any other complaints in how the episodes were run or structured.
Antagonist – 8.5/10
Brother Blood was fantastic. Joseph Morgan really brought the character to life. We’ve had Brother Blood in Arrow and it was done terribly in comparison. Sebastian had me on the edge of my seat a number of times due to the spiraling personality. It also helps matters more when he finally dons the suit after defeating Trigon and it looked incredible.
For us though, the score only dips slightly simply due to Mother Mayhem not being an interesting character. We also wish that Brother Blood’s development went along a lot quicker as it was ridiculously slow at times.
Quality – 10/10
There isn’t anything wrong with the quality of this season. Honestly, the CGI and VFX were all well done, especially within “The Red”. The dialogue and acting were always superb in what it was. I have no bad thing to say about it.
Favorite Episode
Episode 11 – Project Starfire: This was not an easy one to answer with this episode and the final episode being so fantastically crafted with a great story, action-packed, and just amazing to witness. What it comes down to is simply the fact that Red Hood taught Tim a lesson in self-defense and to become a better fighter, it was amazing to see those two side by side in live-action because god knows when we next will.
Worst Episode
Episode 7 is easily the worst episode. The concept behind it was actually pretty good just poorly executed and ended up a very boring episode. The fact they were hidden in this WandaVision-type city had the potential to be extremely enjoyable but resulted in next to no action with a lot of pointless dialogue.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Lex Luthor – 9.6/10
Episode 2: Mother Mayhem – 9.3/10
Episode 3: Jinx – 6.6/10
Episode 4: Super Super Mart – 6.4/10
Episode 5: Inside Man – 8.2/10
Episode 6: Brother Blood – 8/10
Episode 7: Caul’s Folly – 6.8/10
Episode 8: Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory – 9.1/10
Episode 9: Dude, Where’s My Gar? – 9/10
Episode 10: Game Over – 8.2/10
Episode: 11: Project Starfire – 9.6/10
Episode: 12: Titans Forever – 9.7/10
Average rating – 8.4/10
Our Overall Rating 7.6/10
While I absolutely love the Titans show, this season has been a very up-and-down season. You would have episodes that would have zero action and you wouldn’t see the Titans suit up for multiple episodes which took me away from the series. You’d expect the season to go all out like previous seasons.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
Titans has unfortunately seen the end, it has been confirmed there will not be a new season. However, though, it does deserve a new season. We were set for a Red Hood spin-off and a lot more within this universe. It’s a damn shame that this is canceled but The CW’s Gotham Knights get a greenlight.
Titans is exclusively available on HBO Max, only if your country has access to it. For those in the UK, Titans will arrive on Netflix at some stage soon which again, isn’t great for those who cannot access HBO Max. This has again forced fans of the show to resort to pirating, something DC really needs to sort out because it’s ridiculous.
Season Trailer

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 4
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 7
Episodes - 8
Antagonist - 8.5
Quality - 10
Titans has unfortunately seen the end, it has been confirmed there will not be a new season. However, though, it does deserve a new season. We were set for a Red Hood spin-off and a lot more within this universe. It's a damn shame that this is canceled but The CW's Gotham Knights get a greenlight.