Season 4 Episode 4 – The Titans, joined by Sanger and Jinx, discover that the Organization, Trigon’s cult, is still active and is attempting to recruit Sanger. The team returns to the asylum where they originally found Rachel’s mother Angela to investigate, only to find a supermarket that has been built on top of the old ruins.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The entire backstory has been really confusing as I honestly have no idea what was going on with this. We do learn though that Sebastian and Rachel do have some form of connection as they bear the same mark. This is fairly interesting to see how it will play out.
2. The episode has been fairly slow building up but Mother Mayhem sends her “undead” supermarket workers after the Titans only to see one of them beheaded with a chainsaw and Jinx showcasing her power. Finally a decent scene.
3. Zombie Deathstroke turns up, and Conner at one point legit punches him so hard he knocks his head off. Deathstroke literally puts it back on and stabs Conner brutally. At this point, the actual only course of action is to retreat except Dick stays back to fight and loses.
What I Disliked
The episode was confusing. I’ve already pointed this out. They aren’t making it abundantly clear as to what is going on, who the backstory focuses on, and what else is going on. I love Titans but this is one of the weaker episodes I’ve watched.
Favorite Moment
Deathstroke after beating Dick takes who he believes to be Sebastian and it’s actually not, it’s Jinx who freezes him and stabs him in the eye. I’m really beginning to like Jinx, she’s becoming a solid member of the Titans and I’m kinda hoping she sticks around.
Standout Character
Nobody particularly stood out over the rest but Jinx will take it for me this week. She was funny, she fit in well with the group and the way she took down Zombie Deathstroke was so damn entertaining. As I have already mentioned, I hope she’s here to stay.
This was a very boring episode until the final 10 minutes. It centered on backstories with a glimpse of the story moving forward. Titans do tend to have the odd weak episode here and there but I just switched off mid-way through this.
Rating 6.4/10

The Review
Story - 5
Action - 8
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 3
Quality - 10
This was a very boring episode until the final 10 minutes. It centered on backstories with a glimpse of the story moving forward. Titans do tend to have the odd weak episode here and there but I just switched off mid-way through this.