Season 4 Episode 12 – “The final episode of Titans.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Brother Blood drops the horn into the fire, causing Trigon to return to Earth. Trigon tells Sebastian Blood that he is the true son of Trigon. The design for Trigon seems to be improved a lot compared to the first season.
2. Sebastian brutally beats Trigon to a bloody mess and rips his heart out of his chest with his bare hands. Honestly, this wasn’t what I expected to see Sebastian to do. What an unexpected moment.
3. The Titans use red Kryptonite on Connor’s lifeless body. It was in case something bad ever happened to Kal-El, but the only thing is, it’s never been used so Dick isn’t sure if this will help Connor come back to life or not.
4. Seeing all the Titans fight as a squad, with the exception of Connor and Starfire, was simply amazing. Seeing all the suits in action, and characters gelling as a fighting unit was so good. I absolutely loved it. Seeing Nightwing and Tim Drake Robin fight as a duo against Brother Blood was fantastic.
5. Kory takes Brother Blood into the atmosphere and uses her powers to explode both her and Brother Blood. We then get a flashback to a Christmas celebration with the Titans while in present-day the Titans are upset at Kory sacrificing herself. While they are about to leave, Kory returns, original powers and all.
6. The Titans sit down for a proper dinner when the group decides to let everyone know their plans going forward. Tim will be between Metropolis and Gotham as Robin and with Bernard, Gar needs to go find answers in the Red, Rachel will be attending college in Bludhaven, and Connor will be in Metropolis with Superman.
What I Disliked
1. The Titans go to a warehouse and see Brother Blood, Starfire, and Raven both attack him but he disappears, Dick tells the group it was an illusion. Starfire’s response to this is “Are you sure?” like she didn’t just see the man disappear when attacked.
2. It’s been proved that the Titans are stronger together, why is Kory so adamant to go solo? This is like the 5th episode or something where she’s either gone off alone or just not told the Titans anything. At this point, it’s insanely annoying and letting her whole character down.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply be seeing Dick getting beat down and Brother Blood saying “Did you really think you could beat me” with Dick responding “No but he can”, on about Connor finally returning to life. It just reminded me of the Thor Ragnarok meme.
Standout Character
You know what, I’m not giving a standout character this week. I’m giving a standout group. The Titans. Simply perfect.
The final ever episode. What an episode to end off on. An emotional, wild, action-packed ride that delivered some beautiful moments at the end of the episode to showcase the Titans becoming their own heroes. The story and action were superb.
Rating: 9.7/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9.5
The final ever episode. What an episode to end off on. An emotional, wild, action-packed ride that delivered some beautiful moments at the end of the episode to showcase the Titans becoming their own heroes. The story and action were superb.