We all know by now that Disney is on a roll with their exclusive shows in order to push out their near-perfect streaming platform to the world. We’ve had powerhouses on Disney+ such as WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, The Mandalorian, and more.
They’re not slowing down any time soon and it seems like the pace is accelerating even faster with their release cadence. What If…? is currently airing with Hawkeye to come shortly after What If…? followed by Ms. Marvel. So we decided to create our own list of characters, groups, etc that would deserve their own spotlight on the platform.
We do realize there are hundreds of ideas out there, but this is 10 that we discussed in great detail and we’ve included the reasons why we’d love to see it, and how many episodes/seasons we would want to see from it.
Please note, these are in no particular order.
1. Darth Vader

How many episodes? A limited time series spanning between 10-16 episodes, and for one season.
This is a man or machine whichever you put it that deserves so much more than he’s got. Darth Vader is one of the most prominent villains of all time out of any franchise. There isn’t a single person I know of who hasn’t heard of or know of Vader. He’s had one excellent moment live-action in Rogue One, yet he’s still one of the best villains to exist. The series would be limited, because, there’s no point dragging out a story that we know how it ends.
The show would begin from the moment he learns of Padme’s death from Palpatine, and it will head on from there. It will explore the uncomforting aspects from the suit, the bleeding kyber crystal, hunting down the remaining Jedi, and more. This is now more possible than ever now that Hayden Christensen is reprising his role in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series. I do somewhat think Disney will be monitoring his performance in order to give him his own show or movie.
2. Crossbones

How many episodes? 2 seasons, there is more to be explored with this character.
We saw Crossbones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe played by the talented Frank Grillo. He was a background character at best, even in The Winter Soldier movie where we saw his origins as Crossbone take place when a building was literally dropped on him.
However, I believe we should see more of this character, Crossbones is a mercenary, with stories that haven’t been told in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we got a prequel movie for Black Widow, so why not a 2 season series focused on Crossbones between The Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron?
3. Spider-Man 2099

How many episodes? A limited time series spanning between 10-16 episodes, and for one season.
Given how Marvel is doing currently with Tom Holland, and Sony with Venom this isn’t something I would consider live-action, yet. It is something for down the line once the multiverse is more of an established aspect into the MCU. This is something I would attach kind of like an “Into The Spiderverse” live-action show.
Miguel O’Hara dons one of the nicest looking Spider-Man suits with cutting edge technology set years into the future where everything we currently know doesn’t exist anymore. It would be an interesting take on the MCU for Marvel to explore this timeline currently, and even once Miles has been brought in, an Into The Spiderverse live-action movie could possibly work even more.
4. Taskmaster (Anthony Masters)

How many episodes? 13 episodes, with at least 1 season.
We got introduced to a version of the character of Taskmaster in the Black Widow movie, however, the character was gender-swapped to many people’s dislike. I think introducing Anthony Masters as a fully-fledged Taskmaster would be such a cool concept to see play out.
The series could be a 1 season series, however, depending on the hype, this could grow into more, I think the first season could be him doing his typical thing of being a mercenary but having flashbacks of him being a SHIELD agent back before SHIELD fell to HYDRA in The Winter Soldier, you could also bring back Grant Ward from Agents of SHIELD to be his friend in SHIELD/Hydra.
5. What If…? Star Wars Edition

How many episodes? Similar to Marvel’s version, around 13 episodes per season across 3+ seasons.
Marvel’s edition of What If…? has proven incredibly popular among fans. Star Wars has 9 movies that alone can span so many what-if questions. Like, what if Anakin went to Yoda about Palpatine and not Windu? What if Qui-Gon was never killed by Maul? There are hundreds, and the situation almost always pans out differently.
A YouTuber by the name of Star Wars Theory does answer a lot of what-if questions and reverts to any source material he can to get the most accurate answer possible. As greatly detailed his videos are, it would hit different if we actually got the writers and studios behind the actual Star Wars projects to answer these questions and get an actual animated show from it. I do love the Marvel what if, but I genuinely believe a Star Wars version would be much more interesting.
6. Daken

How many episodes? 8 Episodes, limited series.
Daken is a character that is not overly popular, only basically hardcore Wolverine fans know of this character. He’s Wolverine’s son, has a similar powerset to Wolverine and his design is even better. Now would this be a character that Marvel would work towards bringing to live-action? No, not for a little while yet, if at all.
With a series focused on Daken, you could add it into the realm of how Helstrom was as a series, a thriller/mystery element, and you could easily have a different take on the environment with the setting being many years in the past in the year 1946, the series could start out by seeing Daken’s mother murdered by The Winter Soldier, with a good chance to once again bring Sebastian Stan back as The Winter Soldier, then we could have a time jump to present day.
7. Inquisitors

How many episodes? 6 episodes per season across 3-4 seasons to truly focus on each member of the Inquisitors.
This is actually something we have covered in great detail, you can read our article from June this year by clicking here. Most fans of Star Wars know that Darth Vader has his own personal army of force fielding knights, these are the Inquisitors and there are a fair few of them. We’ve seen them in the animated Rebels show, and in the latest Fallen Order game, and we know they have quite the history.
They’ve always been made to look fairly unpowered in the shows and games, and it’s no surprise they have but yet they’re actually a bunch of talented individuals. Some of them were once Jedi before being tortured into becoming one, a show that would explore each individual, and the missions they’re sent on by Vader would be super interesting. This could also easily tie into our first point in a Vader series, and it could all connect up nicely.
8. Cyclops

How many episodes? 2 Season which leads into a movie (similar to Ms. Marvel).
Could a Cyclops Disney+ series do well? Yes and No. Cyclops in the comics is a leader, he’s a badass, and powerful mutant, but in live-action, he’s always been “pushed aside” in favor of Logan aka Wolverine, Wolverine has taken over the Cyclops leader role which for me is disappointing.
Allowing Cyclops to have a show focused purely on him would give the character the best character development he’s ever had in any live-action project to date. I think we’ll get to visit Alex Summers as well as the Cyclops persona. We’d get to explore his mutant abilities more and he could easily make the jump to movies, similar to how Ms. Marvel is with Captain Marvel.
9. Daredevil

How many episodes? Similar to Netflix, 13 episodes per season to run for at least another 2 seasons.
If you ask nearly any fan of Marvel or the Marvel Cinematic Universe what their favorite show is, Daredevil seems to be the one that’s at the top of most people’s lists, and it’s easy to see why. Out of all the Netflix shows, Daredevil was done with incredible care and attention, not to mention Charlie Cox was literally born for the role of Matt Murdock.
Unfortunately for the show, after 3 seasons and a run-in with the Defenders series, the series was canned by Netflix, but it still doesn’t stop fans calling for Charlie to return to Hell’s Kitchen. There are rumors he will be appearing in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which if true (and they seem believable) then this is the most likely one on this list that could very well happen, and deserving of another run with the same direction and actors, considering Kingpin (portrayed by Vincent D’Onofrio) was outstanding.
10. Cal Kestis

How many episodes? 3 Seasons, to fully explore his story in live-action.
We got introduced to Cal Kestis in the Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order video game, he was motion-captured and voiced by Cameron Monaghan who did an absolutely fantastic job with this character delivering the best story and introduction to this character.
Cameron Monaghan could absolutely pull off the transition from video game to live-action form, in some ways similar to how characters such as Bo-Katan and Ahsoka Tano made the jump from animation. I feel as though there are many ways you could introduce Cal and then spin it off into a series of his own.
So there we have it, that’s our list as it currently stands. Do you have any that you would love to see? Let us know down in the comments below.