
Top 10 Live-Action Comic Movies

This is an article that took us over a week to prepare, as there are so many top quality movies out there that this list changed on multiple different occasions. We first actually had it ranked, but then we struggled to rank them so before you read, please note this list is NOT in any particular order.

We had a gigantic list of everything from DC, Marvel, Star Wars and many others that we had to pick and choose from. The difficulty that followed, we then came up with a strategy.

Choose a movie you could watch 3 times over without being bored, and between the two of us, this is the list that we came up with. Please also note that we don’t expect everybody to agree with us here, we understand that almost every single person’s list would be completely different.

1. Avengers: Endgame (2019)

A movie that belongs on any list without question. Endgame is the second highest-grossing movie, OF ALL TIME, and only second because Avatar recently reclaimed the top spot. This movie was the end of a multi-movie franchise that took 11 years to come to.

I have never watched a movie that drags so many different emotions. I felt excited, sad, love, and many other emotions during the run-through. The portals scene is perhaps one of the best scenes in history, not just comic book movies, but in movie history.

2. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

This is yet another one I don’t think a top comic movie list couldn’t have. This was the first Avengers movie that really set the precedent when it comes to “crossover” type movies, and something every movie similar should strive to be like. The Russo’s did a fabulous job with this and Endgame and thoroughly cemented their place as two of the best Directors on the planet.


I can often easily find flaws in most movies I watch, but Infinity War is one I can’t. It literally is a masterpiece from start to finish, and not in any moment was I bored. It just set the pace perfectly, and it will go down in history as one of the best movies to ever be released.

3. Joker (2019)

I remember back when they first announced that the Joker, Batman’s greatest enemy was receiving his own standalone movie, I didn’t know what to think of it, whether it would be Jared Leto’s Joker or someone new. Then Joaquin Phoenix was cast, this is where my curiosity peaked.

After the first trailer, I was hooked. I remember seeing Joker when the movie first released, I was amazed that this is the story they went with. Not only did it capture the essence of the Joker himself, but it played on real-life problems, like depression, bullying, poverty, abuse, and medical disorders that are real-life issues. This is what captured me in the movie so much. Not to mention the performance Joaquin gave us.

4. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Revenge of the Sith deserves to be on this list, no matter whether you like the prequel movies or hate them. Revenge of the Sith is the best live-action Star Wars movie. It captured everything leading up to the rise of the Empire. I remember first watching the movie, I couldn’t believe it was that good.

The cast performances were amazing, especially Obi-Wan and Anakin’s duel at the end of the movie. That fight between the two is the best Star Wars duel in live-action to date. How the movie gave us teases of Order 66 is amazing and the beginning to what we have today revolving around Order 66.

5. Shazam! (2019)

A fairly unorthodox one on the list, but I’d be damned if I never included this. I had so much fun with Shazam! Literally, I feel like this was one of the most underrated movies at the box office in 2019 where movies with such force were being released.


I have watched this back to back before, and I could have easily watched it for the third time. It had everything, from the humour, to the typical start-up hero type movie. It was that good, and I honestly believe that Shazam! was the strongest standalone DCEU movie by a country mile.

6. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

It wouldn’t be a list without mentioning The Winter Soldier, would it? This is perhaps the most talked-about when it comes to the discussion of the best comic movie ever. The Winter Soldier really is one of the best movies to be released, period. It was just told so well in the story sense, and obviously having Chris Evans are the forefront as Captain America is always going to be a plus.

In regards to superhero movie’s and box office numbers, The Winter Soldier perhaps did fairly poorly at the box office, but it’s definitely a movie that will always be remembered and talked about. It’s a movie I’m exceptionally excited for my 1-year-old son to watch when he’s older.

7. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Far From Home gave us one of Tom Hollands’ best performances as not only Peter Parker but Spider-Man as well. The movie delivered on so many levels that it instantly makes this list. It’s (so far) the best live-action Spider-Man movie in my opinion.

Jake Gyllenhaal was brought in as Mysterio and he instantly became a fan-favorite character, he absolutely killed the role and I hope we get to see more of him in the future. The story was great and far much better than Homecoming. Far From Home also gave us one of the nicest Spider-Man suits to date.

8. Black Panther (2018)

The movie that changed the world. This was the first superhero to have a black lead in Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther himself, and he did a phenomenal job with the role, as did the entire cast – especially Michael B Jordan as Killmonger. It’s always a movie that deserves to be talked about in any list.


It is such a shame that we won’t get to see Chadwick reprise his role as T’Challa due to his untimely death back in 2020 which still hurts a huge amount. However, whenever I do an MCU run through, Black Panther is one of the movies that I look forward to each and every time.

9. Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

Well, where to begin with this one. Four years in the making and it was worth the wait. We all know the issue with Warner Bros, Joss Whedon, Geoff Johns, and others but for how long I and thousands of other fans waited, the pay-off was huge.

Zack delivered his best ever movie and gave justice (pun intended) to many members of the Justice League who either got removed, dumbed down or had forced scenes in the 2017 movie. The movie delivered perfect scenes, incredible VFX, and a great villain.

10. Iron Man 2 (2010)

You might be wondering why Iron Man 2 has made this list? Well, It’s the best Iron Man movie there is, apart from the team-up movies, this movie is Iron Man. It delivered its story as well as the villain perfectly well. Not to mention this was Don Cheadle’s first movie as War Machine.

Mickey Rourke was Iron Man’s best villain in his three solo movies. He matched Tony’s intelligence as well as outsmarting Justin Hammer. The end battle sequence was insane as well with different types of AI-controlled robots. It truly showcased how great Iron Man is as a hero.

As always with our top 10 lists, we like to give 2 honourable mentions that we just leave there without saying anything. The two on this occasion are Thor and The Dark Knight Rises.


What’s your thoughts on our list? You can let us know by tweeting us @_ComicUniverse.

Photo credits: Marvel Studios, Disney, DC, WB and Lucasfilm.

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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