
Top 10 Suicide Squad (2016) Moments

Hate it or love it, Suicide Squad was a major release back in 2016 for DC Comics and Warner Bros, with the studio changing it from the pre-release screenings to the public screenings, we’re not here to debate that, but we are here to speak about the top 10 moments of that film.

With the release of James Gunn’s “The Suicide Squad” and me rewatching the original movie, I decided to do an article about my personal top 10 moments that stood out for me in the movie. There are characters people love and characters people hate, I fall under the category of absolutely loving this movie, although I do want to see David Ayers’s original take.

10. Any Jai Courtney aka Captain Boomerang moment

For me, Jai Courtney blew expectations for his role as Captain Boomerang, his funny moments and great character development literally bounced and connected off of every single cast member, he had so funny moments from the pink unicorn, do him being arrested by Ezra Millers The Flash and at the end when he gets on the bad side of Amanda Waller.

9. Harley takes the elevator

Suicide Squad arguably catapulted Harley Quinn to the top of everyone’s favorite character, many girls loved Margot Robbie as her, many boys absolutely loved seeing her portrayal as the character, one Harley moment which stood out for me is the elevator scene where she takes down multiple bad guys on her own.

8. Deadshot takes aim

I’ll say it now, Will Smith as Deadshot was a casting that exceeded expectations and he absolutely 100% killed the role and for this purpose, Deadshot will make this list 2-3 times, no joke. He was absolutely fantastic in this movie, each scene he was in his showcased the character and stood out as a real leader. I’m speaking about this scene where he gets tested by Waller and points a real gun at the bad prison guard.

7. The Squad protects Flag

It’s no denying that when the members of the Suicide Squad were first introduced to the character of Rick Flag, they didn’t like him, but throughout the movie they realize, he dies, they die, so they had to protect him, a scene in which The Squad rally around Rick Flag and save him is when they truly realize they need Flag.


6. Deadshot miss his shot

Throughout the film we see the friendship between Deadshot and Harley expand, with hints of something romantic there, however, we don’t see the romantic stuff and we are left with the friendship and witty banter. When the Joker rescues Harley, Amanda Waller offers Deadshot his freedom if he takes the contract and eliminates Harley, Deadshot aims, hits the trigger, and shoots, but misses on purpose.

5. Amanda Waller’s ruthless killings

Amanda Waller played by the incredible Viola Davis was absolutely scary throughout the film, she absolutely 100% showcased the true Amanda Waller from the scariness, the ruthlessness, and the brutality and I don’t care mentality. It was incredible to see, and in one scene she proved that when she didn’t even hesitate to kill a room full of people.

4. Deadshot vs Batman

One of the greatest moments was seeing Ben Affleck’s Batman show up to takedown Deadshot, and the little scuffle in the back ally of Gotham was the perfect setting. It was a short fight, but for me, Deadshot had the drop on Batman easily, I mean it’s Batman so he would have planned it, but Deadshot only stopped once his kid got in the way, which showed just how much his kid means to him.

3. Rick joins the squad

Throughout the film, Rick Flag has an interesting mission, kill the witch because it’s trapped the woman he loves, he has to basically lie to the squad throughout the film until he says “F it”, tells them everything, and basically joins them. This was a huge moment for Rick which fully cemented his place in the squad.

2. Diablo’s fiery backstory

Diablo, played by Jay Hernandez. What a character! Diablo was one of the most complex, and yet one of the most interesting characters that were introduced in the Suicide Squad movie. His unique design, body full of tattoos was only made more interesting when his backstory was revealed and he was told to own his by Harley.

Honorable Mention

Enchantress and Rick Flag have a unique yet a little bit creepy relationship, Rick was obviously with Jane who would, in turn, be able to turn into the Enchantress, the scene which gets the honorable mention is the bedroom scene between the two. No words needed, just know, it was creepy.


1. Deadshot doesn’t cut and run

Throughout the movie, Rick is consistently on Deadshot about how he’s a killer, he only kills for money, and that in a real fight, he’d “cut & run”, this later would come back to bite Rick Flag when Deadshot had such an epic scene where he killed loads of bad guys single-handedly while not even using his main weapon.

Like I said, hate it or love it, but there are some amazing, badass, epic, and damn right fun action scenes and emotional backstory scenes for characters that many people might not have heard of, this is one of the main reasons why I love this movie.

I can not wait to watch James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad when it releases next month. Be sure to check back for a full review of that upcoming movie.

Photo: Suicide Squad (2016).

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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