As with any comic show that is coming out, we like to discuss a few cameos that could show up in the series. This is all in good fun and know that some of these are extremely unlikely but it’s nice to see which characters could theoretically show up.
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi
With the announcement that Hayden Christensen will be returning to this show as Anakin/Vader, it only makes sense to have a cameo or appearance for Obi-Wan Kenobi in the show. As we know from The Clone Wars cartoon, the trio of Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka was very tight and very much a family so having a flashback with all three in live-action would be amazing.
2. Cal Kestis
This one is truly out there. Rumours are floating around that Cal will be getting his live-action Disney+ show, likely when the third instalment comes out from Respawn and EA. Cameron Monaghan voices and provides the motions for Cal in the game and we know Cameron is a live-action actor as well – it makes sense. Cal is a loved character so it would be great to see him show up in live-action, although due to the timeline, it would raise a few questions.
3. Boba Fett
The reason why we’ve decided to put Boba on this list is that he’s running Tatooine but we’ve had nothing since his show. Temuera Morrison is a fantastic Boba Fett and has always indicated he’s willing to return. I feel like if any part of the Ahsoka series ends up in Tatooine or nearby then Boba Fett will be one of the first on scene to assist. I’d love this one to happen.
4. Moff Gideon
You might ask how for Moff. Well, this would simply be a flashback to The Mandalorian series. We know he wasn’t a fan of Thrawn returning and that other people within the remenants of the Empire were all for it. Thrawn might ask about Moff Gideon’s demise and by who’s hand. Thrawn is special with his tactics, he’ll utilise this majorly.
5. Kanan Jarrus
I feel as though Kanan Jarrus would appear in the Ahsoka series, not for Ahsoka herself, but more so for either Sabine or Ezra. The Ghost crew were a family, they were tight, organized, and if you needed anything done right, it was them. They were tight up until the death of Kanan and then the family was broken, and even more broken when Ezra “sacrificed” himself and Thrawn. I feel as though Kanan could appear or even be mentioned at least.
Honourable Mention
Our honourable mention is Din Djarin. We have put it on the honourable side as it’s the most likely on this list. Ahsoka is set in what’s being called the “Mandoverse” and they’re featured in the same time period. It would make sense for The Mandalorian himself to show up at some point during the series, the writers know for a fact people would go crazy for it – we know we would.