After the monumental success of Spider-Man: No Way Home with the public and the box office, it’s no surprise people’s attention has now turned to the next upcoming movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. We know the movie is going to explore the multiverse in huge detail so that does open the doors for a lot of speculation on who could appear. This also goes off Loki with possible variants as well. Our article contains 3 variants and 2 we want to actually include in the MCU moving forward.
Now the rumor list is currently massive for the rumors. You can actually click here to go to the Fandom Wiki to see an entire list. It’s safe to say it’s crazy.
Our list includes 5 out of many that we would love to see show up in the movie. We already know the movie is likely to be filled with cameos due to the premise of the show and I’m all for it.
1. Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) – John Krasinski Non-Variant

There are current rumors floating around that John Krasinski has signed a deal with Marvel and will show up in Doctor Strange as a variant of Reed Richards. Definitely not. I don’t like that at all. Why does it have to be a variant? It would surely serve a much greater purpose if the character was introduced fully as Krasinski is the perfect candidate to portray Reed Richards. It’s something the fans have been asking for.
If he shows up as a variant then fine but I’d ideally like this to be the way they fully introduce the Fantastic Four into the MCU. It’s been a few years now since Disney bought back the rights to Fox which included the Fantastic Four and so far and we’ve had is an announcement back when at 2019’s comic-con. It’s time to bring them in and I think there’s no better way for it to be Reed Richards played by John Krasinski.
2. Tony Stark (Iron Man) – Tom Cruise Variant

The latest rumor in the windmill that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that a “variant” of Tony Stark will appear in Doctor Strange 2 but this variant will be a self-centered, egotistical member of the Illuminati. While This would make for a great cameo, I just don’t believe it will happen.
It’s no secret that Tom Cruise was at one point wanted for the role of Tony Stark so to see this cameo come to light would be amazing, I won’t lie. As mentioned above, I just don’t see it happening. I feel like Tom Cruise is, let’s say, stubborn to take up a role like this.
3. Charles Francis Xavier (Professor X) – Sir Patrick Stewart Variant

Another cameo that was rumored to be appearing in Doctor strange 2 when the reshoots were first announced. Ever since then I’ve somewhat always thought about it and which version of the character I’d want to see make a cameo, and really it went back and forth between the two versions but ultimately I choose Sir Patrick Stewart.
For this cameo, I’d have Professor X, as a variant appears to Doctor Strange and something will happen, maybe he dies, and in his final breath, tells Doctor Strange to find his main counterpart in the MCU and this is what leads into the X-Men fully debuting in the Marvel Universe.
4. Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) – Michael Fassbender Non-Variant

This ties into Reed Richards and the reason why I’d love to Fassfender return to his role as Magneto. To be honest, when it comes to the X-Men there’s very little that I would like to return, I’d rather Marvel recast for the most part but Michael Fassbender was a fantastic Magneto, there’s no denying it that. I think Magneto shouldn’t show up as a variant for 2 reasons.
- It introduces the X-Men and Brotherhood
- For Wanda, to go down a more comic route with her character
It makes a lot of sense to introduce him into this movie as we know Wanda will be playing a big role. On the flip side Fassbender is only 44 years old, he still has a lot of life left him in to play one of the most famous villains of all time. Ian McKellen was around 60 years old when the first X-Men movie came out so if Fassbender is cast again then I have no doubt we’d have our Magneto for a lot of years to come.
5. Johnny Storm (Human Torch) – Chris Evans Variant

Now, this is probably the most controversial cameo that I would love to see. While many people see Chris Evans as no one other than Captain America Steve rogers now. Many fans were first introduced to Chris Evans back when he was Johnny Storm.
While this is an absolutely unlikely cameo, we do know that Chris Evans has signed a new contract to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in some way, shape, or form. Why not do something crazy with him. Bring him in as a pure cameo, doesn’t even need to have lines, and have him be a member of the Fantastic Four from a different universe to Reed Richards.
There’s our top 5. As already mentioned there’s a cascade of characters I’d love to show up given the type of movie this is. Deadpool, Wolverine, Captain Hydra are others we’d love to see be introduced or return in this movie.
Do you have any that you’re desperate to see? Let us know in the comments below.