Obi-Wan Kenobi is perhaps the hottest show of the year, especially when it comes to anticipation. As a 90’s kid and a massive Prequels fan, this show appeals to me on so many levels.
We recently got our first trailer for the show which doesn’t give a lot away but does at the same time.
You can see the trailer here;
We’re getting the Inquisitors for the first time in live-action, plus Hayden Christensen will be reprising his role as Darth Vader and so much more to look forward to.
Obi-Wan Kenobi will be streaming exclusively on Disney+ on May 25th, 2022.
As with any Star Wars show, we love to sit and discuss what potential cameos could show up. We have done this with Boba, Mandalorian, and even Marvel shows too. These 5 are in no particular order;
1. Cal Kestis
I feel like in every one of these articles, Cal is one we hope to show up. However, this time it’s the perfect opportunity to introduce Cal Kestis live-action played by Cameron Monaghan considering Cal was full prime around the same time Kenobi is set. Not to mention that we know Cal has had his own personal war with the Inquisitors.
I just really hope that Cal isn’t just used in video games and used in a much wider range of things. He’s a fantastic character in the Fallen Order games, so this is something I will continue to want for as long as he’s alive in the video game franchise.
2. Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon Jinn is a great choice simply because we know everyone wants him to return. I feel like if they don’t have some form of him throughout the series is a huge mistake as well know for a fact that over the course of his exile, Obi-Wan spoke, learned, and communicated with Qui-Gon.
If Qui-Gon is to return then obviously it will be a return as a force ghost guiding Obi-Wan which I believe would be needed considering what Kenobi has gone through with Order 66. It’s something that was touched on by Yoda at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
3. Quinlan Vos
Quinlan Vos is a unique choice as a cameo in the Obi-Wan series. In a recent Darth Vader comic, it was revealed that Quinlan actually survived the events of Order 66 and most likely went into exile or hiding, the same fate as Obi-Wan and Yoda.
While we know nothing of Quinlan Vos after the events of Order 66, this would be a great way to bring Quinlan back to live-action and he has already been in a live-action way back in The Phantom Menace as a background character which later was adapted to being a Jedi.
4. 2nd Sister (Trilla Suduri)
The 2nd Sister would be a unique choice as well because there are many ways you could “cameo” her, whether that be a flashback, a mention, or simply just a nod. We know at this point Cal and the events of Jedi Fallen Order would be more than “relevant” to the Sith Lord, Darth Vader.
I feel as though this isn’t a long shot when it comes to live-action as well as animated series because over the past year or two, Star Wars has laid the groundwork that Jedi Fallen Order debuted. Firstly, the shipping yard Cal worked at appeared in The Bad Batch. More recently a BD droid appeared in Boba Fett, and the Fortress where the Inquisitors are based at appeared in the trailer for Obi-Wan.
5. Darth Maul
We know Darth Maul’s fate ends with Obi-Wan on Tatooine after years of hunting him down. The reason why I think Maul would be a good shout for a cameo is because of the Solo movie. We saw him there but since that movie, we haven’t heard anything else since. I think the show will be a perfect way to bring him back properly in live-action.
After all, Maul is up to everything around this time and not to mention how intriguing of a character he actually is. This is something I feel like doesn’t need to be this almighty cameo, like Din Djarin was in The Book of Boba Fett, but just a short, small cameo to let us know he’s would be perfect.
As all of the above are force users, we wanted to give you two honorable mentions to characters that could show up that perhaps aren’t force sensitive.
The two we had down were Boba Fett and Commander Cody. If any of these 7 characters show up to any degree we would be ecstatic.