
Top 5 Comic Book Video Games In Recent Memory

Superhero content has been at the highest peak. Marvel, DC, and even some of the new content has broken records everywhere.

Video games were incredibly slow to enter into this. We have had games but not as consistent as the cinematic, and TV releases have been.

Here, we give you our personal top 5 list of comic book games that have been released.

5. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)

Right, bare with me on this one. I know you’re probably ready to click straight off the article, but let me explain.

I know Battlefront, both of the next gen editions had awfully poor receptions upon their release. However Battlefront 2 had a lot that was so good. The story was amazing, straight up, I loved it. Even at release.

EA has continuously updated online. The progression system has been revamped, the new modes are fun to play. Mechanically the game plays well, and the graphics are simply breathtaking. If you haven’t played this game since launch, it’s on EA Access. If you have it, give it a try with a friend, especially the new coop mode, you will see the difference.


4. Star Wars The Force Unleashed (2008)

Starkiller pulling a Star Destroyer from the air with the force

It was a tough decision between this and the second one. However the first just edged the decision for me. This game was revolutionary for its time. Personally for me, the story to this game is one that I still remember so fondly 11 years on.

Star Wars had so many lacklustre games before this with the exception of the original Battlefront games, and a couple others. This was different. It had certain RPG elements that you could choose the outcome to situations. You could even change your lightsaber.

Graphically it was visually stunning, it had so much to offer. The DLC content had even more. Then the sequel, the series of this was incredible. It’s a shame the story was switched to legends, because the ark to this game would be perfect live action.

3. Batman Arkham Knight (2015)

The third instalment to the Batman trilogy and this game so much more to offer. As oppose to its predecessor, the game featured the batmobile for the first time. The fighting, and detective mechanics remained largely similar to the previous instalment, however the game was still a massive hit.

For the first time we got a solid collection of suits. Batman Beyonds suit also made an appearance. The story about the Arkham Knight was full of twists and turns, I literally couldn’t stop playing. It featured many iconic characters, such as Deathstroke, and Penguin.

Then there’s the DLC. While I do admit it could have been a lot better, the DLC was still solid. It featured many different arks for different characters such as Red Hood, Harley Quinn, and many more. It deserves to be here simply because of the story alone.


2. Batman Arkham Asylum (2009)

One of the first superhero games we had at that point for a long time. This game is still critically acclaimed all over the world. Even today with still, a massive 10/10 rating on Steam.

You ask fans anywhere which superhero game they love the most and it always ends in a debate between this and number 1. We put it second simply because it was revolutionary. At the time it was different, unique and new.

We got to play as one of the most popular heroes, ever. We got in-depth looks into him, and other characters especially the Joker. For its time, the gameplay was groundbreaking, the graphics were stunning, and the entire game was an absolute masterpiece.

1. Spider-Man PS4 (2018)

Personally, this belongs top. This game was one of the best games I ever played. Insomniac Games took a risk with this, and boy it paid off. Everything about this game is perfect. While I agree with some of the critics that some of the missions can become a bit repetitive. However no matter how repetitive the missions get, climbing the Avengers tower, or swinging through New York is incredible.

It also deserves a mention that it was the first game to make me cry since Gears of War 2. The suits you could unlock were visually perfect, and even more so that each suit had its own particular upgrades (Iron Spider has the legs).

The DLC could have been better, but the base game was just incredible. It was one of the first games that I grinded for 20+ hours straight. It’s a close battle between this and Arkham Asylum, but this edges it slightly.


There’s our list. Remember this is just my personal preference. I would absolutely love to see what yours is. Drop a comment down below your top 5, and maybe we would look at featuring them on the website.

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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