Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand how much goes into a AAA game. I understand complications, the manpower needed, the resources, the budgets, and more importantly – time.
However, in recent years it feels like there have been so many interesting gaming projects announced with very few details years afterward. For me, Insomniac initially had it right. For example, they announced Spider-Man 2 in 2021, and the game was released for 2 years. Within that time we of course had trailers, marketing, gameplay footage, and more.
When we look at some of the games announced in the last 3-4 years, it’s incredible that we’re still yet to hear or see anything. We rely on snippets of news and can’t even be sure if that’s from a legitimate source or not.
Let’s look at some titles now.
1. Knights of the Old Republic Remake
Announced at the PlayStation Showcase in 2021. This has been a complete disaster. Matthew Karch in April 2024 confirmed the game was still alive despite a change in developer and rumors the game was completely dead. That’s really the only portion of news we’ve had on the matter. Since then, nothing. Is the game happening? Who knows. Probably not at this point. This could have been the best Star Wars game in history, oh well.
2. Star Wars Eclipse
Another Star Wars game. Granted, this game is being made by Quantic Dream so, understandably, this game won’t be released for a few years yet but we’ve had nothing since the reveal trailer back in 2021. This trailer was just a cinematic with very little in regard to the story. The game will likely play like its predecessors in Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human. It’s a game I’m very much looking forward to but it’s also another game that announced something and over 3 years later, we’ve had nothing else.
3. Wolverine
I’m honestly sick of talking about this game now. I’m struggling to care anymore. Insomniac did a great job with Spider-Man as I mentioned at the beginning of the article but it’s another game announced in 2021 with a teaser trailer and since then we’ve had nothing from Insomniac. I understand Insomniac has had a rough going with leaks as of late but surely this can’t prevent them throwing out a trailer. After all, this game is supposed to be here in 2026 according to the leaks, I can’t see this happening especially considering Venom is supposed to be here this year too.
4. Iron Man
Announced in 2022. Nothing since. Now this one somewhat gets a pass. Only because in their announcement blog the game was in the pre-production phase but it’s been 2 and half years since then with nothing else. I’m not expecting huge news dropping but it would be nice to get an update from Motive or EA gave an update on where the game is at today. It’ll just be great above all else to get an accurate update from the developers/studio.
The Elder Scrolls VI
Perhaps the longest we’ve gone here. This game was announced back in 2018. June 10th to be exact. It’s nearly been 7 years. It’s almost been radio silence from Bethesda. In that time we’ve only had a 36-second teaser trailer. It begs belief how long it will take for Fallout 5 to be a thing if it’s taken nearly 7 years from an announcement to writing this article. I’m talking about Fallout 5, it’s laughable when we have no idea where the Skyrim sequel is. As always, it’s a game I’m excited for as Bethesda is one of my favorite studios but they have to get this right with how long they’ve had people waiting. Since this announcement, I’m not joking when I say I have a 5-year-old son, I got married, I’ve had 3 different cars, I’ve moved house and Only Comic Universe was only 3 months old.
As you can see, that’s just 5. There’s more such as Black Panther and Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. I’m not expecting full-blown gameplay trailers, but how difficult can it be for studios to be a bit upfront to their consumers about where their products are? After all, these projects are announced and understandably without release dates, I’d still feel somewhat thought of as a fan if they could come out and explain where the game is at in terms of development. I’m still excited for games released back in 2021 and beyond yet at this point, we have nothing except rumors. It’s sad.
I’d even consider putting GTA 6 on this list but at least we have an actual year of when the game’s being released with 2025 being confirmed. We’ve also had a trailer and are expecting another one any day now.
If I am missing any updates, do feel free to let me know in the comments below.