As the finale of Obi-Wan Kenobi is this week, we decided to give our predictions of what could potentially happen throughout the finale of the series. We are not predicting that all of these will happen.
We know that Obi-Wan and Vader will duel again as well as Reva dueling with someone, or maybe both Obi-Wan and Vader, but what else could happen in the finale?
05. Vader’s new metal parts
At this current moment in the series, this is prime Vader, he’s full of hatred, anger, rage, and loss. In this final duel with Obi-Wan, I’ll imagine him going all out in trying to kill Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan is nearly back to Revenge of the Sith Obi-Wan. I think it’ll be an intense duel with it going back and forth but ultimately I think Obi-Wan will try to reconnect with Anakin but fail, this is where he’ll dismantle Vader by removing a leg or arm and just messing with Vader’s suit as we’ve seen this happen in the comics where Vader literally loses legs and puts a droid leg on in place to continue the hunt for a Jedi.

04. Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader will end in a stalemate
The likelihood right now is that Kenobi will best Vader in combat so it aligns with Vader’s speech in A New Hope. It’s pretty much the guarantee right now. However, there are rumors of a season 2 which if so, then the fight between them could end in a draw. The real fight will then happen during season 2 with the end fights being centered more on the Inquisitors.
03. Reva’s demise
Reva’s death. As of now, Reva is primarily only in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, we haven’t seen her in anything else as of yet. I think, and I’ve said this from the second episode that her knowing that Darth Vader is a death sentence. We’ve seen it play out in flashbacks as well as her trying to kill Vader in episode 5 and ultimately failing to do so. Vader hates anyone knowing his secret that he is Anakin. It’s like he’s ashamed of it, we’ve seen him kill his own men because of this reason, to allow Reva to stay alive and know this secret is death waiting to happen.
02. Cal Kestis shows up at the last second
We know Cal has had his run-in with the Inquisitors (Second Sister and Ninth Sister) and Vader. We also know the sequel to his game is set around 5 years later which times up great. I think that Vader may try to overwhelm Kenobi with the Grand Inquisitor, Fourth Sister, and the Fifth Brother. Kenobi is a great Jedi but he’s no match for those 3, this is where I believe Cal could show up to help out and spawn into his game. It’s more realistic as it could build excitement for his game and also push people to purchase the original. It’s a goldmine.
Honorable Mention – Darth Vader vs Emperor Palpatine
In a Star Wars Theory video, he created an entire episode that showed Vader struggling over the death of Padme. The fight showed that Vader is still coming to terms with everything that happened and a fight breaks out. This is more of a “want” than a prediction hence why it’s an honorable mention. But this could show fans that Padme’s death did mean something in the Star Wars universe as it’s often forgotten that she’s one of the prime reasons Anakin went to the dark side in the first place.
01. Obi-Wan’s talk with Qui-Gon
I think after the episode is finished, we know Obi-Wan’s job on Tatooine isn’t complete as of year, he still has plenty of years left in “exile” watching over Luke Skywalker and seeing him grow into the young adult we see in A New Hope. Once he returns to Tatooine, I believe that Obi-Wan will finally hear the voice of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn.
Ultimately, it’s the final episode of season 1, it’s been a wild ride within a galaxy ruled by fear by the Empire. The story and action have been superb.
What predictions have you got for the finale?