Season 1 Episode 6 – Disturbances on Halloween separate Wanda from Vision, who looks into anomalous activity in Westview.
What I Liked
1. We knew from the trailers that both Wanda and Vision would don their old school comic book suits, and I have to admit they did exceptionally well with both of them.
2. I wasn’t expecting Peter/Pietro to then rock the old school Quicksilver suit either. I’m honestly impressed with the attention to detail with everything thus far!
3. Well, the first bit of action comes 6 episodes in. Not bad! As Monica, Darcy and Jimmy are escorted off base due to Director Tyler, Monica and Jimmy wipe the agents out with ease. Such a quality start to the episode.
4. I think we knew both the children would have powers that run in the family. We got the first look at that when one of the twins has powers of speed, similar to Quicksilver, he was also dressed the same as well. Very interesting to say the least.
5. The conversation between Vision and Agnes officially happens. When Agnes “wakes up”, she asks if Vision is an Avenger and also rightfully questions if she’s dead because he is. Insanity seems to brew substantially due to the circumstances, but a solid scene and worth the wait. Especially now Vision understands more who he is.
6. Pietro seems to know Wanda created Westview, which is an interesting aspect of the story. Perhaps the most fascinating part here was as Wanda turned away to cry, and turned back Pietro was dead. Bullet holes etc from when he was killed by Ultron. I like the way they acknowledge the past content, it makes sense to do so.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
The final scenes. Like wow! Vision manages to escape Westview, but as he’s dead in reality, it makes sense he’d die in there. As he was screaming in agony, Darcy tries to help and Billy’s powers kick in. Wanda then straight up expands Westview substantially, taking over the base and turning it into a circus, saving Vision and also taking Darcy. I cannot believe how this is turning out and it seems every single theory is turning on itself. We can’t get enough of this show!
Standout Character
I have to give it to Wanda, even if I love the idea of Quicksilver returning. The end just did it for me, and she really showcased just how powerful she actually is in the space of a few seconds. She really pulled off the old-school suit as well!
It’s difficult to even imagine it but this show just gets better and better. Every single week I usually say it was the best episode yet, and the case is no different here. What an episode, what an ending, and what a show!
Rating 10/10
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Story - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
It's difficult to even imagine it but this show just gets better and better. Every single week I usually say it was the best episode yet, and the case is no different here. What an episode, what an ending, and what a show!