Season 1 Episode 1 “Wanda and Vision struggle to conceal their powers during dinner with Vision’s boss and his wife.”
What I Liked
1. The premise of the show is extremely interesting and unique. It feels like a 70s sitcom, black and white with a live audience. Despite the poor “jokes”, it’s actually really funny. I already feel immersed and it’s been 5 minutes.
2. The subtle jokes are great. Especially when Mr Heart asks if Vision has a screw loose. It’s just so over the top but done extremely well. The acting is absolutely subliminal and done so well. Really impressive.
3. Stark Industries have gone from creating weapons with advanced technologies, flying cars and what not to a toaster? Got it. That’s actually hilarious.
4. The over-dramatics of everything make it so awfully awkward to watch, but at the same time, it’s just so funny. The writers have definitely done a good job in bringing that old-style sh8ow to life with this show, and somehow it just works so damn well!
5. The intensity begins quite quickly when Mr Heart seemingly chokes on some food with Vision having to step in to save his life. It became very weird when Mr Heart was choking Mrs Heart just sat there smiling saying “stop it” over and over again.
What I Disliked
I know the old sitcoms had really long credits, but that was too much. We got 23 minutes worth of the episode and the rest was straight up credits. I know there may be a deeper meaning behind them but once I realised it was all credits I moved on to the next episode, so this was wasted in my opinion. I feel a lot of people may have done the same.
I know each episode will have the longer credits in as well judging by the second episode.
Favourite Moment
I liked the end part when the seemingly SWORD agent was watching on through a screen, looking like he was watching the show. I liked this because it dispatched from Wanda’s mind back into reality as to what’s actually going on.
Standout Character
This is going to be a tough one to give through the entire season because both Vision and Wanda are starring. However, only because I laughed more to Vision, I’m going to give it to him.
A fantastic show, deserving of every ounce of praise it’s got so far. It’s different, unique, and the first episode raised a lot of questions which goes a long way for a Pilot episode. Not to mention the acting was absolutely incredible!
Rating 9.8/10

*PLEASE NOTE. We review our shows on a SACE basis. Story – Action – Characters – Entertainment. We realise with this being more of a sitcom, action is unlikely to happen at the beginning, so we’ve decided to take the action side out in order to truly reflect the rating of the episode. If we were to put action in, as there wasn’t any, it would badly affect the rating. As this isn’t that type of show, we’ve opted the decision to remove it.
Story - 9.4
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
A fantastic show, deserving of every ounce of praise it's got so far. It's different, unique, and the first episode raised a lot of questions which goes a long way for a Pilot episode. Not to mention the acting was absolutely incredible!