Season 1 Episode 2 “In an effort to fit in, Wanda and Vision perform a magic act in their community talent show.”
What I Liked
1. After everything that these two have fought together, including Thanos, you can’t help but chuckle at them getting scared of a branch knocking against the window.
2. A helicopter with the word “SWORD” on it lands in Wanda’s front yard, which she is seemingly freaked out by. This may just be a small hint as to what is actually happening to her.
3. A strange moment happens when Wanda and Dotti are cleaning up after a get together with the planning committee. A message comes through the radio saying “Wanda who is doing this to you”, although we don’t know who this is yet it was certainly intriguing.
4. After swallowing a piece of gum and it getting trapped in his cogwheels, Vision seems to have some “functioning problems” during the talent show, which gave us all a good chuckle!
5. Towards the end of the episode Wanda appears to have a baby bump, moments after a strange man appears from the sewers swarmed with bee’s and stares at the couples. Wanda says “no” and reverses time to change this. We then see everything begin to change into colour. Very confusing but intriguing all at the same time.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report on this episode.
Favourite Moment
At the end of the episode, we see everything change from black and white into colour. As someone who grew up with colour television, I was happy to see the show go to full colour, even despite enjoying the black and white.
Standout Character
I think this episode certainly revolved mostly around Wanda so I’m going to give the standout to her. As a viewer, I’m very confused but very intrigued as to what’s going on with her and she’s playing this role brilliantly. To play a role from a time you weren’t even born in I’d imagine is a huge struggle but she’s doing incredible.
Again another strange episode but we expected nothing different from this series. I loved the way it was giving us tiny little hints as to what was happening. I loved this episode.
Rating 10/10

*PLEASE NOTE. We review our shows on a SACE basis. Story – Action – Characters – Entertainment. We realise with this being more of a sitcom, action is unlikely to happen at the beginning, so we’ve decided to take the action side out in order to truly reflect the rating of the episode. If we were to put action in, as there wasn’t any, it would badly affect the rating. As this isn’t that type of show, we’ve opted the decision to remove it.
Story - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Again another strange episode but we expected nothing different from this series. I loved the way it was giving us tiny little hints as to what was happening. I loved this episode.