Season 1 Episode 8 – Wanda embarks on a troubling journey revisiting her past for insight into her present and future.
What I Liked
1. Straight away at the beginning of the episode we learn about Agatha and her witch abilities in her sense. As she’s tired to a pole, she’s surrounding and hit with these energy beams in an attempt to kill her, including her own mother. She seemingly backfired the beams and kills all of them. Pretty graphic as well.
2. Wanda is completely defenceless against Agatha, so it looks as though we’re about to go through Wanda’s complete origin, and it begins right back in Sokovia when both her and Pietro are young and their parents are still alive. Very interesting that we go back to the very beginning here because this is when it all goes sideways with the explosion that killed her parents.
3. It’s back to Hydra now when Wanda and Pietro were being held. Loki’s staff is also present in the room as well. The tesseract also floats towards where the mind stone is present. A figure seems to float toward her, but I’m still unsure at this point. It looked like her in a full suit, which would make sense as to why she switched allegiances as well.
4. Next up, we’re in the Avengers Compound. Wanda confirms this is after the events of Age of Ultron. This one is also interesting, she’s super upset with every right after losing her brother, but this is where she and Vision become close.
5. We’ve headed to the SWORD base when Vision’s body was being held. We now get to see first hand how it was when Wanda pretty much stormed through the building and her altercation with Director Haywood. You can completely understand it from Wanda’s perspective, watching her husband be completely dismantled purely for weaponry purposes.
6. Shortly after leaving her interaction with SWORD, she heads to real Westview and finds an empty plot. Seemingly on her and Vision planned to build, and in such an emotional way she breaks down which she then creates Westview, and also Vision. It was very difficult to not end up with a tear in your eye during this scene.
What I Disliked
One of the very few dislikes of the show comes to this episode, and the dislike is the realisation we’re only getting one more episode this week and it’s over.

Favourite Moment
Vision is ALIVE. Haywood actually did it. He’s obviously not going to be the Vision we know and stemming an all bright white body and skin colour, he’s actually alive. This is going to be super interesting!
Standout Character
It wasn’t a difficult episode to give the standout this week, and obviously, Wanda thoroughly deserves it. The emotion on display in multiple scenes this week was simply phenomenal. Elizabeth did so well with that, her acting is simply sublime.
I’m absolutely gutted the show is ending next week, but this episode just cleared a lot up. Phil, the other co-founder of Comic Universe said to me this morning that an origin will be complete this week, after watching I completely understand. We’re in for an epic finale.
Rating 10/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
I'm absolutely gutted the show is ending next week, but this episode just cleared a lot up. Phil, the other co-founder of Comic Universe said to me this morning that an original will be complete this week, after watching I completely understand. We're in for an epic finale.