We knew coming into this show that it was going to be vastly different to anything we have ever seen before. We were not disappointed. The show begins after the events of Endgame, where Vision’s body is seemingly been taken apart in order to be turned into a weapon. That’s the gist of it anyway, and obviously, Wanda creates this fake world called Westview in order to have a perfect life.
The show begins with sitcom-style episodes and progresses through the era’s as it goes. We begin pretty much at the ’50s, then go all the way through to the recent day. Each episode questions are put in place, questions are answered, then more questions in place – it did very well in keeping fans engaged, and theorising on possible outcomes.
The show was Disney’s first venture into a Marvel Cinematic Universe show, and they have done incredibly well, there’s no debating that. We knew the show would be high quality, especially coming off the back of The Mandalorian.
WandaVision became the most popular show in the world, and I can’t say I’m surprised because it definitely deserves it. Everything from the writing, the stories, the characters, and the flow of the episodes were done with perfection, and in turn, creating a full-blown masterpiece of the show.
There were occasional low or slow points as it progressed through the episodes, but these were very few and far between. The opening 3 or so episodes were slow but needed and it was obvious where the show was going after those.
It’s not very often that a series is so good that it will be remembered for years to come, but WandaVision will be. I’m doubtful of a season 2, but honestly, I really don’t mind. Season 1 did everything I wanted and so much more. It really was a pleasure to watch the show weekly when they came out, as this will be a show that my son will watch when he’s older.
We were never in shortage of characters in WandaVision. Let’s see who we have here. Wanda, Vision, Tommy, Billy, Quicksilver, Darcy, Jimmy, Agatha, Monica and many other standouts. It was a show that was stacked to the highest hills.
Obviously, the two starring characters made the show what it was. You can tell the chemistry both Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany have, as it all just feels so perfect. I can’t think off the top of my head any character that was involved that never made sense to the show or the story, and that’s when you know the writers have done a fantastic job.
My only gripe was the lack of cameos that I guess I shouldn’t have expected or hoped for in the first place. It would have made sense to bring in multiple characters, and even teased in places but nothing happened. Let’s look at a few that should have come, and why they made sense.
Reed Richards – Monica mentioned they need an aerospace engineer and that she knows someone. This would have made sense because he was needed, and it would have introduced the Fantastic Four going forward.
Magneto – In specific comics, it’s known that Magneto is the father to Wanda, Pietro and Polaris. It was theorised that the man himself would show, and it would have made sense for this exact reason. It also could have introduced the X-Men.
Doctor Strange – Perhaps the one that made sense the most, like, where was he? Why wasn’t he in it? This show is supposed to be the lead into Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. The Darkhold was also featured a couple of times, so it would have made sense for him to show, even just for a brief few seconds. I was disappointed he wasn’t there.
So all in all, despite the lack of cameos, the rest of the cast did a fantastic job. Also, a very special shoutout to Kathryn Hahn as Agatha. She absolutely nailed the role and deserves every ounce of praise from her portrayal as Agnes to Agatha.
Favourite Episode
All-New Halloween Spooktacular definitely stands out for me. This episode introduced Quicksilver properly with Evan Peters, and we also got all the OG suits for all the characters, including Wanda. Both Billy and Tommy displayed their powers for the first time, and Wanda’s true power was revealed when she literally extended Westview. It’s an episode that will stand out above all else for me.
Not to mention, it was also the first time we saw Vision leave Westview, and saw the consequences of him doing so. It was a brutal scene and one that will be remembered for quite some time.
Worst Episode
Usually, we give this if there’s an episode that stands out as being poor in comparison to the rest. However, with WandaVision there isn’t. Nothing really stands out as poor, if we had to choose one then I would choose episode 3, but even that’s pushing it.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience – 9.8
Episode 2: Don’t Touch That Dial – 10
Episode 3: Now In Colour – 9.3
Episode 4: We Interrupt This Program – 10
Episode 5: On A Very Special Episode… – 10
Episode 6: All-New Halloween Spooktacular! – 10
Episode 7: Breaking The Fourth Wall – 10
Episode 8: Previously On – 10
Episode 9: The Series Finale – 9.8
Average rating – 9.9/10
Our Overall Rating 9.6/10
The average rating of 9.9 is very fair. The only let downs were the slightly slow start and the issues with the finale, besides that it’s definitely close. The show reviews with ourselves easily reached above 9’s with ease, with the lowest being 9.3 which is fantastic for a show running across 9 episodes.
My only let down on the episodes was the initial lengths. They were like 20 minutes with almost 10 minutes worth of credits each time, which I do feel like was a big waste of time for the most part.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
I have to admit, it doesn’t. The whole premise of WandaVision was initially set around a sitcom style, with the weird edginess portrayed throughout. Westview is done, Vision is pretty much done, and Wanda has the Darkhold. I don’t believe another WandaVision show could really be set up in place now. That’s not to say I wouldn’t say no to another season because I would absolutely love one, I just believe because of how the show went, that same feel couldn’t be done again.

Story - 9.5
Characters - 9.5
Enterainment - 10
Episodes - 9
Antagonist - 10
I am devastated the show is over, but this is a show that will live down in memory. An absolutely fantastic show with an extremely satisfying end.