Back in February Warner Bros revealed that a new Superman script is being wrote by Ta-Nehisi Coastes and J.J Abrams.
Well, today Warner Bros announced that they are searching for a black director to helm the new movie. They’ve also revealed that the Krypton-born superhero will be played by a black actor.
According to IGN and The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros and DC are “committed” to hiring a black director. A source also stated that it would be “tone-deaf” for J.J Abrams to also direct it.

Directors Barry Jenkins, Steven Caple Jr., J.D. Dillard, Regina King, and Shaka King are all possibilities to become the future director of the movie.
The upcoming Superman movie will be a “standalone” movie separate from the main DCEU, similar to movies like The Joker and Matt Reeve’s “The Batman”.
It’s also rumored to be a black Kal-EL in the movie, which I don’t see the point of them doing as they have other actual black Supermen in the DC Comics lore who deserve a spot to tell their stories.
This hasn’t gone down well with the fans either, as I’ve literally seen nothing but hates towards Warner Bros and the higher-ups in the company because the fans know exactly why they are doing this, announcing a black Kal-El on Henry Cavill’s birthday.
In recent months, Cyborg actor Ray Fisher has come out with stories about them being racist saying quotes like “we can’t have an angry black man at the center of a movie”, and more recently the stuff which came out about Krypton and Goff Johns saying “Superman can not have a black grandfather”. It just feels and looks like damage control.
Warner Bros and the “higher-ups” have proved they do not care at all when it comes to PoC characters like Cyborg, they wrote him out of the 2017 Justice League movie and refuse to own that they are racist.
As much as I dislike the way Warner Bros and the higher-ups are running this company, and if they do cast a black actor as Kal-El, I truly hope the actor doesn’t receive hate for a company’s decision.
Photo: DC Comics