
Was The Umbrella Academy’s Season 4 The Weakest Season?

I finally finished season 4 of Umbrella Academy, which was confirmed to be the last one. I have to be honest here, that entire season was not great. I’ve added my scores like a normal review but I don’t have the energy to do a full-blown review here because I didn’t enjoy this at all.

The Umbrella Academy is a fantastic show in its own right, it’s weird and wonderful but that’s what made it so special. Season 3 immersed me completely and I was looking forward to the last season.

What I was met with here was disappointment, I’m sorry. The season felt lazy and rushed, and had nothing of what made the show initially special.

I switched off through large portions of the season and had to rewind because I simply wasn’t interested in what was happening.

Let me make a start on Five and Lila’s storyline. This felt wrong and didn’t have to happen. The subway system proved to be an important aspect of the show but them being stuck for 7 years and getting together added nothing of value to the story. It didn’t need to happen. This 7-year loop they went on didn’t need to happen because it was pointless in the end. It added nothing additional to the story whatsoever.

Then there’s Klaus. Initially one of my favorite characters. An utter waste of build-up this season and again, added next to nothing of value to the show which is a shame because I love Robert Sheehan.


Next up is the ending. That felt lazy. They all just cease to exist but yet Lila and Diego’s kids plus Alison’s kid get on the train and they’re alright in this newly restored single timeline? It makes no sense. There CANNOT be kids because the PARENTS NEVER EXISTED.

Oh, Five shooting Five with a sniper was probably 100 feet away from when Five entered the subway tunnel. How come that Five didn’t know? I thought they went back to try and warn Ben but that angle was forgotten about super quickly.

The powers of the characters were pathetically shown. No I heard a rumor or Klaus only saw death twice with Dick and a dog. Weird when I put it like that but you get my point. Diego felt largely weaker than we’ve seen previously and even Viktor never felt as overpowered as he has in previous seasons. Viktor was the ultimate weapon and even ended the world originally. Yet he struggled to take out a mob of humans. It never felt like the original Umbrella Academy that I fell in love with.

If anything, I’ve come away from the final season feeling let down and I feel annoyed. The show deserved a better send-off than it did and whilst I get the need to make everyone cease to exist it rules out ever questioning a season 5 but I have this feeling that they could’ve done so much better with the ending.

I could sit here and write all day about the flaws of the season but in a nutshell, it wasn’t good. It’s the weakest season out of the 4 and I have a feeling I’m not the only one who thinks this. I’ve seen multiple comments on Reddit sharing the same sentiment as me. We as fans deserved better. I don’t know if season 4’s budget was cut or lowered because even Luther didn’t look the same, Alison used her powers only twice and the CGI in parts was embarrassing.

I’ll go back and re-watch seasons 1-3 and forget season 4 existed.


Rating 3.6/10

Credit: The Umbrella Academy // Netflix

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The Review

Story - 4
Action - 6
Characters - 1
Entertainment - 3.5
Episodes - 4
Antagonist - 1
Quality - 6



I could sit here and write all day about the flaws of the season but in a nutshell, it wasn't good. It's the weakest season out of the 4 and I have a feeling I'm not the only one who thinks this. I've seen multiple comments on Reddit sharing the same sentiment as me. We as fans deserved better. I don't know if season 4's budget was cut or lowered because even Luther didn't look the same, Alison used her powers only twice and the CGI in parts was embarrassing.

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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