The penultimate episode before the finale fills me with the sensation that damn, Doctor Manhattan is one smooth rider!
We finally get to meet the blue God that everyone is raving about. We get a fully-fledged background about how Angela and Manhattan met in Vietnam and a wonderful overview of their relationship until that moment.
I cannot tell you how happy this episode made me. The omniscient presence of a timeless God with shards of the past and future interwoven in a tapestry of tieing together loose ends made it a fitting penultimate episode before the inevitable brawl of the Seventh Cavalry. We finally got to see how Will Reeves was roped into the story, how Adrian got sent to paradise and why Cal turned out to be Doctor Manhattan.
I particularly loved the angle of new life that Doctor Manhattan was obsessed with. I love how this was the backbone for the whole episode and it aligned so well with Angela coming to terms with everything in the episode.
I am so excited for the final showdown against the Seventh Cavalry and I really hope Watchmen get given another season after this one. Whether or not they will though – is up for debate.