Welsey Snipes trilogy of Daywalker films based on the Marvel character Blade is beloved, highly beloved. I understand why after recently binge-watching the entire trilogy. When I was watching through the movies, I thought to myself where I would rank these movies out of the three, Blade, Blade II, and of course, Blade Trinity?
3. Blade II
Blade II is fantastic, all three of the movies are fantastic. I just didn’t truly love the villains. The “Reapers” were arguably tough villains for Blade to face, as he had to work with vampires to take them down and even then they struggled.
The story was interesting but did feel slow at some parts. Overall I enjoyed it but It did have it’s annoyances in the form of the Bloodpack. While the only standout for the Bloodpack was Ron Perlman, I do wish they allowed Donnie Yen to showcase more of his abilities.
2. Blade: Trinity
Honestly, I really enjoyed this. I loved the story and the cast. The story is set about a small group of vampires who find Dracula’s tomb, who is the first vampire. The frame Blade to keep him from interfering in it.
We’re introduced to a new group, The Nightstalkers. They save Blade and he gets saved by Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds) and Abigail Whistler, Abraham’s daughter. I will say this, the CGI or VFX for Dracula’s body wasn’t the best, however, Dominic Purcell played the human form of Dracula and by god was he great. You felt the evilness within him in each scene. Dominic and Welsey’s chemistry was so perfect that it made the overall movie enjoyable to watch.
1. Blade
Blade was the OG. It’s a movie that made me a fan of Welsey Snipes and everything he does. He took a character that not many people knew and made it a big name. He took a character that Marvel had and brought it to life and some may say, even saved the Marvel franchise in live-action.
I’m so glad that when David S. Goyer was writing the script, he wanted to take it seriously. As New Line Cinema wanted to “have something that was almost a spoof”. With them even asking if Blade could have been white. Goyer even had Snipes in mind from the beginning as Mike DeLuca, head of New Line suggested Denzel Washington, Wesley Snipes, and Laurence Fishburne as the front three for the casting of Blade.

I have no doubt that Marvel has special plans for the upcoming Blade project reboot starring Mahershala Ali. Kevin Feige has said that Blade will be a reboot and will be part of MArvel’s Phase Five slate of films. It’s also said that the reboot would be rated PG-13 instead of an R-rating. Stacy Osei-Kuffour has been hired to write the script.
In any conversation among Marvel fans, and I can see this happening in the near future will be comparisons between Mahershala Ali and Wesley Snipes. I think Snipes trilogy of Blade movies will always be brought into the conversation in some way or another.
What did you think of the Blade movies, what one is your favorite?