Crisis on Infinite Earths has came and went. What an event it was.
There were multiple teases at the end that showed what the different Earth’s now looked like. This included 6 different earths. I will look at each one and try to explain what it meant, what could happen with them going forward.
Earth-2 – Stargirl & The JSA

The Stargirl show is set to launch later this year, and will show teenager Courtney Whitmore join the Justice Society of America. We have had a trailer that has gave us a glimpse of the upcoming series. More importantly, at the end of Crisis this seemed to be the first raw footage. It showed Stargirl and the rest of the JSA stood closely together. This was a solid tease to show us that the series is definitely coming soon.
Earth-12 – Green Lantern Corps

This was the biggest tease for me. It looked like the tease was ripped from the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie. We got a glimpse of the lantern symbols. We know HBO Max is set to be making a Green Lantern TV show, so this bodes well in intensifying the hype for the series. As of right now, we don’t have all that much to go on, but a future team up that will include the Green Lanterns will be amazing.
Earth-19 – Swamp Thing

This one confused me. Swamp Thing was an exceptional TV series cancelled very quickly into it’s run. We got a scene of him ripped from the series of him sitting there. Questions rose more than anything for me here. Why did they show this? If the show is cancelled, why bother? Could the show be picked up? The only one with a high enough budget that could run it would be HBO Max. I don’t think CW could make the show as great as it was during season 1. I hope they still have plans for the show, as it was so well done.
Earth-9 – TITANS

There’s not much to really say here. I guess the main thing is we now know the TITANS are connected to the CW shows. More importantly it sets up the ability for members of the TITANS to crossover with the CW heroes, albeit the R rating for TITANS could be a bit of an issue but I’d imagine they could make it work.
Earth-21 – Doom Patrol

Can we address the plot hole here? Please? Anybody? Gar was a member of the Doom Patrol who went over to the TITANS. This doesn’t make much sense. We know the Chief actor was changed when the Doom Patrol series dropped, which makes me believe there’s a Doom Patrol on both Earth-9 and this one. It’s the only explanation. Maybe during the Doom Patrol series 2 this will be addressed by these crossing over with each other. However, another great push as now these can also cross with the CW shows.
Earth-96 – Brandon Routh Superman

One of the best returns in Crisis was the Brandon Routh Superman. He came back into the role and played it so well. We know Brandon is leaving Legends soon, setting up a new character to play ATOM. I’m unsure on how he will leave, however this is great for fans knowing this version of Superman exists within the multiverse. This further fuels potential crossovers with this variant of Superman.
Earth-Prime – Everybody Else

We saw the Justice League table at the very end of Crisis. We now know The Flash, Batwoman, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Green Arrow (Mia) & The Canaries are now all set on a single earth. To be honest, I have wanted this for some time now. It sets up for mini crossovers like we used to get with Oliver and Barry back during seasons 2 and 3 of Arrow. I feel like the CW has wanted this for some time but needed the right story to connect it. It worked out brilliantly, and I am excited for the final ends of the CW shows when they return in February.