Disney+ Day happened, and well, it wasn’t great. I’ll be honest I really did expect a lot more than what we got. Maybe my expectations were too high thinking they would explore movies and games, but it seems like it was just Disney+ shows alone. Which is fine, but it was still a disappointing aspect overall. Not to mention the entire event was done via a Twitter feed, perhaps one of the harder feeds to follow.
DC FanDome smashed them out of the park this year when it comes to a virtual (or in this case, Twitter) event. I get excited about these events, not because I’m a huge fan of the projects, but because of Comic Universe. It’s super exciting being able to report brand new content, trailers, and our thoughts but today there wasn’t a lot of that.
Nonetheless, instead of me yapping let’s get into everything we got from Star Wars and Marvel.
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi
This is one of the major ones I expected a trailer for. I think the vast majority of people were, so we were awfully disappointed when all we got was a 2-minute video that showed Ewan McGregor discussing the show and a few concept art images, which look great don’t get me wrong. However, it’s underwhelming that we didn’t even get a snippet of the show, considering we know filming is done. No release date either.
Here are the concept images;
Unfortunately, we’re unable to show you the behind-the-scenes footage, or interview I should say. If you are a Disney+ member you can view it by searching for Obi-Wan. If you’re not a member then you can sign up here.
Under the Helmet: The Legacy of Boba Fett
There’s not a lot with this one. It’s a 21-minute episode detailing the history of Boba Fett and how the character came to be. It is obviously only available on Disney+ so if you’re fascinated by the character’s rich history then this will be a great little watch for you.
A special celebrating the origins and legacy of Star Wars’ legendary bounty hunter, Boba Fett.
Official synopsis on disney+
Marvel Zombies

There are 3 brand new announcements in total. These don’t come with a lot of news, but this one, in particular, will be one fan will be excited for. Considering the success of the zombie’s story in What If…? this makes perfect sense to release this. It will be animated of course, but no other details have been released surrounding this one just yet.
Spider-Man: Freshman Year

Set before the events of Homecoming and will serve as a canon prequel. It will also be animated. As this is serving as a prequel in the canon universe, it’s very likely Tom Holland could voice the character in this instance, but that’s not a guarantee. Again, with this one, unfortunately, there are no details regarding a release date yet.
X-Men ’97

A brand new season following on from the animated X-Men show from back in the day. We understand this will actually pick up from where the original season left in 2023 which is huge for fans of the show. Even our writer Phil Weaver was generally excited about the announcement of this one.
What If…? Season 2

If you didn’t already know by now then now you do. This isn’t “news” as such as this was confirmed many months ago. Disney+ Day did give the second season a mention alongside a brand new logo which you can see just above. This is an exciting one, as many people do enjoy the alternative timelines and how one small tiny detail can alter things in such a big way. I just hope they manage to still bring back some of the MCU actors to play the voices of their respective characters.
Logo changes for shows announced earlier
This is where I felt a bit let down overall. Many of the shows announced last year received brand new official logos/title cards. Some of these announcements may be news to those who don’t follow these types of events or never heard anything, however, they have been revealed for quite some time. Here’s a gallery of all the new official logos;
Moon Knight
Before I get into this, be aware these are just tiny clips of the shows, but in this instance, we get to see Oscar Isaac in form. We didn’t get the suit, but we did get a lovely shot from behind of him beating someone to a pulp. This is one of my most anticipated Disney+ shows so I did enjoy the fact we got something for it.
This isn’t a show I care for, really at all, but in this short clip, we get to see Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk). We also get a shot of Professor Hulk, where Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role. I will admit, this little clip did excite me a little more and I hope we get more of this soon.
Ms. Marvel
Perhaps a late one to the party, and I am surprised we don’t have a fully-fledged trailer for this yet. The show was meant to be out this year but it was delayed so that’s probably why. We have had clips of Ms. Marvel previously, and I am super excited for this show. I think Iman Vellani will do a fantastic job with the character. It’s already proven by the small number of clips we’ve had so far.
Enjoy this badass image of Nick Fury in Secret Invasion as well…

The Review
Content - 4
Trailers - 3
News - 4
Excitement - 2
Disney+ Day happened, and well, it wasn't great. I'll be honest I really did expect a lot more than what we got. Maybe my expectations were too high thinking they would explore movies and games, but it seems like it was just Disney+ shows alone. Which is fine, but it was still a disappointing aspect overall. Not to mention the entire event was done via a Twitter feed, perhaps one of the harder feeds to follow.