I’m going straight out of the gate here, but this season has been extremely poor. It’s very difficult to ignore that fact, and also the ratings are lower than ever.
It seems that for every person we speak to, their opinion is the exact same. So, what has gone so wrong this season? This is our opinion, but we will get into that.
First off, Javicia is a fantastic Batwoman. She’s a better Batwoman than Ruby in my opinion, and the Ryan Wilder character is super interesting.
My first problem comes on the action side. The action is so bad, wonky, and generally unbelievable it’s tough to get on board. When you watch, for example, Arrow. The fighting is smooth, and it always looked great across all 8 seasons. It also felt realistic. Whenever anybody on the show fights, I’m instantly put off. I believe I can’t say I’ve come across a single amazing fight scene.
I don’t even blame the actors for this side either. I blame the team that choreographs together these scenes. It’s just awful, it always has been – it needs a complete overhaul.
Secondly, the story. It’s trash. There, I said it. I stand by what I’ve said multiple times, I wholeheartedly believe that Javicia has been completely screwed over, as has the Ryan character. When Ruby left, she made the call to leave, and she was rightly replaced, the show should have focused on Ryan.
Instead, the show STILL focuses on Kate. Even to the point, Ryan is writing to her when she doesn’t know her, and even at one point – feared she may be alive and she’d lose the mantle to Batwoman. The storytelling is just not good at all.
It’s still so centered around Kate that there may as well just not be a Batwoman there. It could be called “The Crows & Alice” and it would get away with it. That’s how much I believe Ryan’s character has been thrown under a bus.
The story should be centered around Ryan, her past, her personality, and her coming from being a falsely accused criminal to the predecessor of one of the comic book’s best detectives. Not even just one of the best detectives, one of the best heroes in history.
I don’t believe when people say it’s so focused on woman’s rights, because I’ve never felt like it’s been forceful in that way. If anything, it’s been great in regards to that.
Third, it’s all over the place. Everything is so weird and barely makes sense. There are plot holes at every turn, it’s horrific. The show tries so hard to make so many characters relevant, when in reality, barely anybody actually even cares.
The characters that people care for, nothing happens. Luke has the potential to begin a Batwing role, but instead, he’s just so focused on doing barely anything I can’t see the point.
Don’t get me wrong, this season has had some decent episodes, but it’s not had a single memorable episode that I can sit back and say; “holy shit! That was incredible”. I watch an episode, it’s reviewed, then I forget about it.
Even when it comes to watching it I simply don’t care. I can’t wait for Wallis Day to come in as Kate so we can finally close the door to Kate, and MOVE ON.
Understandably, this is just my opinion but it’s one I stand by. I really want the show to do well, it has a mass amount of potential to do so – but I fear the show may get canceled before it even hits that point.
Wish to add anything? You can email us at [email protected].