It only feels like yesterday we were all surprised at Insomniac’s Spider-Man trailer back at E3 in 2016, that came out of nowhere.
The game came and went, it was loved. Then another surprise at the PlayStation 5 reveal came a Miles Morales standalone game expanded from the current Spider-Man universe. Incredible.
You can see our Miles review here.
Although the game only came out a month ago, it seems a lot of fans are now seemingly looking ahead to the Spider-Man sequel, and I can’t say I’m surprised.
Insomniac have proved themselves in the gaming world for a superhero, and it’s fully deserved. At the end of both Spider-Man and Miles, we saw Harry encased in a massive water-like tube, surrounded by black substances, most fans will be familiar with the symbiote by now. It’s likely we will be seeing Venom in the next iteration.
1. Main villain
So that’s where it starts, and that’s what I would love to see. Venom. We’ve had 2 games worth of teases now, it makes sense to pull the trigger on the next game, and why not? After Tom Hardy’s live-action Venom, the character is more popular than ever right now. This also adds the path for other symbiote characters to make the jump, including Carnage, Riot, Scream and many others.
We know what Venom is capable of, so having him as the major villain throughout the game would be fantastic.

2. Dual control
We have now been able to control Peter and Miles in separate editions, so this is where my next big want comes into place. Having the ability to play as both characters. They both play different, swing differently, fight with different styles, and also Miles has the venom abilities.
I’d love a GTA style way where you can switch between the characters at any point, this may be a bit of a stretch, but I’d even settle as switching between them per parts of the game, or for certain missions. It would lengthen the game out by quite a lot focusing on both characters. Also, seeing them properly fight together would be awesome!
3. Cameos
In the games, we got to see many landmark buildings and subtle references throughout. A couple of notable ones were obviously the Avengers tower, the Wakandan embassy, Doctor Strange’s sanctum, Nelson and Murdock’s law office and many others.
It would be amazing to even bring 1 or 2 of the above-mentioned characters in, just briefly. Two I would love to see would be Deadpool, simply because the chemistry between him and Peter is fantastic. Also, Daredevil. We get to swing through Hell’s Kitchen, which is mainly Daredevil’s base. I would love to see the character brought in, even if it’s just to help with any legal issues.
4. Build a suit
Bare with me on this one, as I’m fully aware it’s far-fetched and out there. We have a wide range of suits in both games, and they are all so beautifully done. However, what about an adder layer of customisation into the game? Being able to actually build your own suit. Colours, type of suit, abilities and mods etc? It could work.
In Spider-Man: Far From Home we see Peter use Tony Stark’s tech on the plane to build his own suit with his own design. It would give the players that extra time to have so much to work with, including the suits already in both games.
5. Expanded city
We get to explore perhaps one of the great cities in the world with New York. Swinging through Harlem, Central Park, Hell’s Kitchen and others is a fantastic experience. However, we’ve explored the same city in both games now. I don’t believe we should leave the city, I’d just like it to be expanded.
If we are to get a much bigger game, then an expanded city should be in the works on top of the great work from the team. If we do move to a different location, then I would also be happy with that, but I’d much rather stay in New York.
6. Keep the side crime activities in line with Miles Morales
One of the major annoyances with the Spider-Man game isn’t the sheer amount of collectables, the game makes it easy enough to find them and I love spending a couple hours just swinging around. It’s the crimes, they got so tedious and annoying in the first game. It is something the Miles game definitely sorted out.
You could find them through the app instead, and only had a set amount to do. I mean, it makes sense. In the original, you’d stop a crime, start swinging away and another huge crime would take place in the next street. It makes sense to keep it tracked and logged through the in-game app and not have 20 crimes per almost every district.
Honestly, I struggled to put a 6th in there so a 7th is out the question…for now. Both of the games were super strong, and they’re two of the best games I’ve ever played. There isn’t a lot for Insomniac to improve on, instead of adding things to the game to give the player that bit more immersive feeling.
They made a lot of positive moves with the Miles game, making it a bit less tedious already. Going forward, Insomniac have my absolute trust and I know fine well they will ensure they put out a quality product.
Was there anything I missed? You can tweet us and let us know if we missed anything. We’ll be sure to credit you for any ideas you’d like to put forward.