Season 3 Episode 6 – “The legendary Shang-Chi and Kate Bishop search for The Hood in the Old Wild West.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. In the opening scene, Shang-Chi and Kate Bishop call out for a duel. We immediately get stuck into action when Shang-Chi uses his hand-to-hand combat to take down the cowboys while Kate uses her abilities to shoot the guns out of their hands.
2. Shang-Chi and Kate find a kid and then go looking for a ghost train. They hop on it and find Sonny Burch. The Hood wants to speak with Shang-Chi and Kate while the bad guys chase after the kid, who they catch but once again, The Watcher interferes with the world. Small choices, big changes is what The Watcher said.
3. Sonny Burch uses his timepiece to put Kate into a trance, similar to how the rest of the train did. Sonny explains to Kate that the Hood did not kill her parents but rather he did. It’s at this same moment when Shang-Chi finds out the Hood is actually his sister.
4. Honestly, the team-up between Kate and Shang-Chi is a due that I never knew I needed to see, while it’s only in animation form, this is still such a great team-up and one that actually works.
5. I do really like how they sort of stuck to the now iconic “hallway” fight scene. They allowed Kate to have her own version of it while on the train surrounded by many bad guys as well as Sonny Burch. She gets saved from going into the trance by the kid so she ends up shooting every single bad guy there is and sparring Sonny a death and knocking him out and saving Shang-Chi but shooting his sister.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be the fight between Shang-Chi and The Hood. The two are evenly matched and the fight goes back and forth between the two until The Hood disappears. The Hood keeps reappearing and disappearing while getting hits into Shang-Chi.
Standout Character
I’m going to give this to both Shang-Chi and Kate Bishop. Both of them were great throughout this episode.
Going into this episode I thought it was going to be a bland episode as this has seemed to be the case throughout the course of this season but was I wrong. This episode was surprisingly really good and really well done.
Rating: 8.5/10

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The Review
Story - 8
Action - 9
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 8.5
Quality - 10
Going into this episode I thought it was going to be a bland episode as this has seemed to be the case throughout the course of this season but was I wrong. This episode was surprisingly really good and really well done.