ReviewsShowsWhat If...?

What If…? “Howard the Duck Got Hitched?” Review

Season 3 Episode 4 – “While on vacation, Howard the Duck and Darcy Lewis face dangerous factions from across the galaxy.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. It’s always a nice time seeing The Grandmaster return in any capacity even though he isn’t being voiced by Jeff Goldblum. You just know when the Grandmaster shows up it’s going to be a crazy time.

2. SHIELD as well as everyone else in the galaxy, believes that the egg Darcy and Howard made, is some higher-powered person within the galaxy and wants to give it to Dormammu as an offering.

3. I do like how this brings back the villains from the first Doctor Strange film as well as Loki as a Frost Giant. Seeing Loki as a Frost Giant is so perfect as well. Darcy and Howard hide out at Loki’s “resort” and Loki wants to be the baby’s godfather.

What I Disliked

1. Howard the Duck and Darcy Lewis have an… egg together? I get that this is a what-if story but they could stayed “sane” with the storytelling.


2. So they are just bringing in everyone in the galaxy to get this egg in this episode? This feels like such a messy episode.

Favorite Moment

I’ll give my favorite moment as the ending when the egg hatches and the baby uses their power to wipe everyone out.

Standout Character

I don’t truly have a standout character within this episode so I’ll split this and give it to both Darcy and Howard.


Honestly, this episode was slightly underwhelming but when you have an episode focused on Howard the Duck and Darcy Lewis, this is expected. The episode while did have a ton of action, the story was boring and bland. It felt messy with the villains as they literally threw everyone in there.

Rating: 7.5/10

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The Review

Story - 5
Action - 8.5
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 10



Honestly, this episode was slightly underwhelming but when you have an episode focused on Howard the Duck and Darcy Lewis, this is expected. The episode while did have a ton of action, the story was boring and bland. It felt messy with the villains as they literally threw everyone in there.


Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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