Season 2 Episode 9 – Captain Carter discovers the greatest threat to all existence may be closer than she realizes.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Supreme Strange collecting “universe killers” is interesting. There are seemingly small statues of each one including Ultron from season 1. I want to see the list of those he has there.
2. Peggy gets a beautiful suit upgrade from Strange. This is one of those suits that I would love to see in live-action.
3. Strange wasn’t just collecting universe killers, he was also collecting righteous heroes. Some noticeable ones jumped down when Peggy smashed the glass balls. Some of these included T’Challa Starlord, Rocket, and Vision. I’m not sure if those 3 mentioned fall into the category of righteous heroes, universe killers, or both but it’s just so damn entertaining.
4. Zombies make an entrance! Wanda is the most recognized one here. This is great and it makes me even more excited for the standalone Marvel Zombies series that’s coming.
5. Villain Hela stops the zombies almost closing in on Carter and Kahhori. She then attempts to throw knives at them both but Kahhori stops it and throws them back. Hela’s sassy attitude after that is hilarious. “EXCUSE ME!”
6. Strange vs. Carter and Kahhori is now up and this fight scene is visually stunning and phenomenal. I love fights like this where you’re completely unsure of which way it’s going to go. One second Carter has the upper hand then Strange does. Bravo, Marvel, bravo.
7. As everyone falls into the forge, they begin throwing their weapons to Carter. Hela’s crown, Mjolnir, the Ten Rings, and more are thrown. Every single weapon is used by Carter and Kahhori, I mean how do you even stop that? Strange gets battered until he starts evolving. Only then does the tide of the battle change.
8. Peggy struggles with the evolved demonic Strange, she then uses every infinity stone at once to take him down. You can see how much it took for that to happen, only for the demon Strange to reanimate. You think something will work and they tease you so briefly but then it just doesn’t.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
Captain Carter levels up. She gets the damn Infinity Stones. What a moment!! I’ve got goosebumps all over my body, this is incredible.
Standout Character
Peggy yet again takes the standout character. Honestly, this may be an unpopular opinion but if it wasn’t for Anthony Mackie taking the mantle for Captain America I’d be fully onboard for Peggy to become THE Cap for the MCU in live-action as she’s already proved it there as well.
This was a phenomenal episode capping off one hell of a season. Marvel has ended the year on a high with this show and I feel like we’re set for a solid Echo series as well. I hope Disney announces a third season for What If…? as there are still so many more stories to explore.
Rating 10/10

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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
This was a phenomenal episode capping off one hell of a season. Marvel has ended the year on a high with this show and I feel like we're set for a solid Echo series as well. I hope Disney announces a third season for What If...? as there are still so many more stories to explore.