Season 3 Episode 3 – The Red Guardian interferes with the Winter Soldier mission to kill Howard Stark.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The Red Guardian just casually playing Tetris on a GameBoy in an airport is perfect. It really sets the tone for the year this episode is set.
2. Damn, I wasn’t expecting Bill to have access to his own Ant-Man suit. That was a decent suit-up moment I wasn’t expecting. He puts on the suit after Bucky and Alexei evade him in the car chase scene. I’m not gonna lie, the color palette on that suit is nice.
3. As giant Bill is in pursuit, Alexei puts him down in an amazing shot. He jumps up in the air and slings his shield straight into his mask and pulls him down to the floor. I would’ve loved to see Captain America do that to Scott in Civil War.
4. What’s interesting here is Obadiah makes a return to the MCU and explains to Bucky and Alexei that they were supposed to kill the Stark’s. I find it curious if Obadiah did really know all along and was involved in the death of Howard and his wife,
What I Disliked
I enjoyed the fight between Red Guardian and The Winter Soldier but the humour didn’t work for me. It took away from a fight and also from a scene that was extremely impactful in Civil War. This show’s beginning to feel too goofy compared to the first season with Ultron where all felt lost.
Favorite Moment
Another cinematic shot as Bucky and Alexei take down Bill once again when he’s in giant form. It felt like the finale of the Spartacus series where Alexei kneels with his shield down, and Bucky jumps on the shield and is catapulted. That was pretty great to be fair.
Standout Character
I’m going to give this to Bucky. I love the fact that this is a character that shouldn’t work with other characters well but he did here with Alexei similar to how he did with Sam in Falcon & The Winter Soldier. A very interesting dynamic that’s for sure.
Perhaps the best episode of the season so far. There was only 1 scene I wasn’t a fan of but the rest of it was really good. This is one of those what-if moments that I wanted to happen prior to the series being launched, seeing Howard survive the attack from Bucky in Civil War.
Rating 8.2/10

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The Review
Story - 8
Action - 8
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
Perhaps the best episode of the season so far. There was only 1 scene I wasn't a fan of but the rest of it was really good. This is one of those what-if moments that I wanted to happen prior to the series being launched, seeing Howard survive the attack from Bucky in Civil War.