ReviewsShowsWhat If...?

What If…? “The Watcher Disappeared?” Review

Season 3 Episode 7 – The Watcher must stand trial for his many interventions.

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. When the new season was announced, we knew we’d be getting Stom wielding the Mjolnir, and I couldn’t wait for it. That’s this episode, and it’s already epic. She assists Nebula, Groot, and Korg alongside Captain Britain and others. It’s a great opening scene as they remove this massive tentacle monster. As they land, they realize the Watcher has been taken, which is what this episode will be about.

2. As the group fails to create ways to travel to the Fifth Dimension once realizing the Watcher had been taken, they decide with 1 fragment left, to attempt to use Infinity Ultron to assist as he’s the only one who was able to travel there. I’d love nothing more than to get some more Infinity Ultron if I’m being honest. He’s one of the best villains in this entire series.

3. The man himself returns as he stares into nothing, Captain Britain shows up and he’s seemingly confused. The design of this particular Ultron is great as he looks old and somewhat beaten. He explains to Peggy that he extinguished life a long time ago but as the rest of the team go to find her, they find her shield broken. They immediately blame Ultron and go on the offensive and of course, they lose. We come to learn it was the Watchers that came for her and Ultron couldn’t help. That was a brilliant scene.

What I Disliked

Nothing to report this week.


Favorite Moment

Ultron is one of those villains for whom I’ve always wanted to see a redemption arc. This is only because he was initially created for peace but this Ultron destroyed everything within his path. He lives with regret and finds himself lonely as everything around him is empty. This leads him to assist the team as he inherits the shard’s power, seemingly becoming a Watcher himself. The episode ends there.

Standout Character

I’m giving it to Infinity Ultron. It was great to see him again but this particular version appears to be more unique than the one during season 1. This particular Ultron at first glance wants to help, whether that remains the case or not we’ll soon find out.


This episode felt incredibly short. There were some great scenes but it ended as it was about to get interesting. This is a positive in a sense as it does mean we’re heading into the latter stages of the series with the story finally coming full circle. This series has been pretty weak compared to the others but I feel like with what this episode set up, the entire season is set to become so damn good.

Rating 8.2/10

Credit: What If…? // Disney+

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The Review

Story - 8
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 10



This episode felt incredibly short. There were some great scenes but it ended as it was about to get interesting. This is a positive in a sense as it does mean we're heading into the latter stages of the series with the story finally coming full circle. This series has been pretty weak compared to the others but I feel like with what this episode set up, the entire season is set to become so damn good.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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