Truth be told, 2020 seems fairly bleak considering the monumental success comic book movies & TV had during 2019. We had two solo MCU movies, backed with an Avengers team up, a dark successful DC movie, a Star Wars movie, and so many different series airing.
Now it’s time to look forward, and what 2020 is going to give us. Let’s begin with the TV sides of things.
Arrowverse & DC
Early on in January we have the two final part of Crisis. Legends of Tomorrow, and Doom Patrol are both kick starting later on this month. Arrow is ending two episodes after Crisis. However the rest of them are continuing their respective seasons. I have no doubt each of them will be renewed for October once they finish in May. TITANS is heavily rumoured for a season 3 premiere around fall time, as both the previous seasons also did.
A brand new CW show is set to kick things off with Stargirl. No release date has officially been given as of yet, all we know right now is the show is definitely premiering in the second quarter of 2020.
Star Wars
The long awaited Clone Wars season 7 is set to air in February. One of the Star Wars series that was on many people’s lists to get another series. The incredible Mandalorian will also see season 2 by the Fall.

The biggest news coming just recently, is WandaVision actually being brought forward from 2021 to 2020. This one we’re very unsure of a date, as of right now all we know it’s definitely this year. If I’m to give my two pence on this, I would imagine it would be closer to November/December. Another highly anticipated Disney+ Marvel show coming is Falcon & The Winter Soldier. Again, another one without a release date but we suspect it will be around the Fall.
You can more than likely expect The Boys and Umbrella Academy’s second season runs at some point this year.
I will list these to make it easier;
Birds of Prey – February
Bloodshot – March
Black Widow – May
Wonder Woman 1984 – June
Venom 2 – October
The Eternals – November
There is talk of The New Mutants going back to the original cut, so we’re expecting a release of that very soon with a brand new trailer. I don’t think this is something to particularly look forward to, they shot a lot of reshoots just to scrap them eventually. They obviously had an issue with the original cut, so I’m not holding out much hope for this.
By standards, 2020 is going to be a slower year than usual for us comic nerds, but 2021 seems stacked.
What are you looking forward to the most? Let us know down in the comments.