After recently finishing one of the most entertaining seasons of a superhero show in a while, Stargirl has a packed roster that forms not just the JSA (Justice Society of America) but members from the ISA (Injustice Society of America) and more.
Today, I will go through a list of each character and explain in a paragraph whether or not they deserve a spin-off show, but not just deserving, whether or not they need it due to their importance on the original Stargirl show.
Stargirl is becoming more packed as it’s going on, so I believe a character should receive a spin-off instead of killing them off.
1. Rick Tyler (Hourman)
This one of the main characters that I feel could easily pull off his very own show, also one that I feel like needs it above all else. The issue I have in Stargirl is there are times he’s underutilized in many aspects. He’s the Hourman with perhaps the most interesting backstory with what happened to his family and the life he’s currently living. Granted, he’s grown as a character, but by giving him his very own show you can explore that in a much better way.
Verdict: Yes
2. Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Yolanda was one of the most disappointing characters in season 2 right behind another. On top of that, due to the guilt, she’s facing after killing Brainwave, she couldn’t carry a show. They would need to build her character development more in order to get through the issues she’s facing and allow her to truly make an impact on the show. Right now, she’s perfectly suited as Courtney’s sidekick and best friend.
Verdict: No
3. Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-nite)
I hate to be blunt, but I can’t see Beth even continuing in Stargirl never mind receiving a spin-off show. She was the poorest character in season 2 who brought next to nothing to the table for me. I love the actress, but her character continues to be underused, and it’s blatant in the show. When the JSA are fighting, she often cowers away, can’t protect herself and doesn’t do anything useful. Again, I hate to be blunt but Beth either needs to be the “Felicity Smoak” of the team or meet her demise. Either one would be a better direction.
Verdict: No
4. Jenny-Lynn Hayden (Green Lantern)
Jenny was introduced during season 2 as our brand new live-action Green Lantern. Despite her poor introduction and push to the season, she is an interesting character nonetheless. The daughter of Alan Scott is always going to an interesting backstory to explore. She looks to have the capability to carry her own show, especially if she gains more development during season 3 of Stargirl. Plus, I think the fact she’s a Green Lantern in itself is always going to draw attention. It’s likely this one wouldn’t happen anyway due to the upcoming Green Lantern Corps series by HBO Max.
Verdict: Yes
5. Pat Dugan (Stripesy)
Pat Dugan’s backstory has been explored in great detail throughout the first 2 seasons of Stargirl, so therefore for me, I don’t believe Pat would be great in a standalone. He’s definitely better off where he currently is alongside the S.T.R.I.P.E robot (that needs to be used a lot more). He understands the superhero gig after being a sidekick in the JSA, so it makes sense that he would continue to be there for Courtney to ensure she’s guided in the right direction. Pat has edgy moments usually but he’s still a great character for the current show regardless.
Verdict: No
6. Cindy Burman
This character’s development took an unsurprising turn towards the end of season 2 after being saved by Courtney in the Shadowlands. Now she seems to be over her lust for revenge against the JSA and seems to be on the long road to redemption, a spin-off could very well do wonders for her. We know she’s always had this villainous streak in her considering her upbringing by her father, but seeing her go her own way forming a team with the money and resources she has could be very interesting.
Verdict: Yes
7. Sportsmaster and Tigress
Weirdly enough, I didn’t like these 2 at all during season 1. They just came across as super boring villains but in season 2 it was different. They were hilarious and I thoroughly enjoyed them in the episodes they featured in. Not to mention they showed up at the very end of the season 2 finale to assist the JSA which was a joy to watch. Then in fantastic fashion, they bought the house next door to the Dugan/Whitmore family. This alone is why I believe they should remain in the Stargirl show and be used when necessary.
Verdict: No
8. Mike Dugan
I like Mike’s character within Stargirl, he adds that humour aspect that you’d expect from a teenager who also just wants to fit in. The issue with Mike getting a spin-off in my opinion is that he’s not interesting enough, and I don’t believe he would be capable of carrying his very own show. Especially considering his best arc this season was in regards to the Thunderbolt, who I also don’t agree with that needs any more screen time than he’s already had. I like Mike, and it’s not because I don’t think he’s a poor enough character to get a spin-off, I just think he’s perfectly suited in Stargirl as is.
Verdict: No