Bringing the storyline for Darkest Hour within Boom Studios’ Power Rangers would be the equivalent to Marvel’s Doctor Strange 2 Multiverse of Madness. Now, bringing this story to live-action would be insane, it would more than likely cater to the adult side of storytelling.
Power Rangers Darkest Hour is a 12-month Power Rangers event that celebrates the 30th anniversary of Power Rangers. Essentially Mistress Vile has won, has got control of the Morphin Grid and Dark Specter’s infection is spreading throughout all of time and space.
Now with this type of story, you have to make it dark, you have to make it brutal, you have to have consequences and you for sure have to have death. This is something that the Power Rangers show has only touched on a handful of times in live-action, but the comics take that to the next level.
This show or movie would debut multiple new villains and heroes from the Death Ranger to the Omega Rangers and new rangers alike. This would bring together many different Ranger teams, from different times and dimensions.

This would be the Infinity War, Endgame, Multiverse of Madness, and No Way Home combined for Power Rangers. This needs to be a live-action series or movie trilogy at best. It is a 12-month event, so you would have more than enough to create something magical with this.
You have everyone in this story, you have Mighty Morphin, SPD, Hyperforce, and Omega Rangers. Drakkon Rangers. The Coinless, and more. It would be insane. The comics are a fan favorite. They are loved. It would be a missed opportunity to bring this to live-action.
You have Rangers who are trying to survive going against Rangers who have been infected. Friends who have turned to enemies. The comics make the evil Rangers look so much better, so much more evil compared to what the shows ever did. This needs to be made.
As I said, this would be massive for Power Rangers, it would be a game changer and honestly, it will bring more eyes back to the franchise. I loved the 2017 film, I thought what they did was great, the risks they took within that movie from changing characters and truly bringing these issues to light like Billy being autistic was such a great change.
This story is 3 or 4 parts deep into the release. The story is shaping up to be brutal, dark, and honestly, better than Shattered Grid. Both this story and Shattered Grid NEED to be brought to live-action.