As a youngster growing up, I only ever watched the movies and never realized the actual full extent in the Star Wars universe, especially how much actually happens that the average fan doesn’t know of during the Anakin Skywalker saga.
Moving from Boba surviving the Pit, or the Jedi who survived the Purge, to Darth Maul and Obi-Wan dueling once more – I want to take a look at Vader’s personal squadron of force-sensitive users named the Inquisitors.
It’s worth noting here, especially if you’re unsure – that all of the members in the squad were actually once Jedi. As far as I am aware, all of them were brutally tortured before turning to the Dark Side, allowing them to fight based on the pain and suffering Sith use to make them more powerful.
The Inquisitors were often tasked to hunt down the remaining Jedi, because it’s often underestimated how many Jedi survived Order 66, considering there were probably 10’s of thousands scattered across the galaxy.
They tend to use double-bladed sabers, and can even use those sabers to fly as seen in the animated show, Rebels.
We haven’t actually seen all of the Inquisitors yet, giving the writers more freedom where necessary and this is where I think the show should go if one was to come to fruition.
Obviously, it’s Star Wars so we need a “good guy” within it, but it could still be done. Very similar to Starkiller (now Legends) in the Force Unleashed video game. After all, not all Inquisitors are truly lost, Trilla (Second Sister) realized right before Darth Vader killed her, and was about to redeem herself.
The show would need Vader involved which is where Hayden Christensen could step in if he’s to further reprise his role after his surprise return as Vader in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series.
It could feature aspects of where Vader and his squad were hunting surviving Jedi – we’ve seen them in Rebels be a bit clumsy but in a live-action setting, it could show why Vader and the Inquisitors were feared throughout the galaxy.
Star Wars is killing it with their upcoming shows, but I definitely feel like this is one that needs attention, and should be discussed at the executive board at Disney.
We always see the higher-ups within Star Wars such as Palpatine, Luke Skywalker, Vader, and others. We never actually see the kind of second in command per se, so this would be a nice touch.
What do you think? Should this be given a go-ahead or not?
Either way, let us know down in the comments below.
Second Sister Fifth Brother Sixth Brother Seventh Sister Eighth Brother Ninth Sister Grand Inquisitor