Why Green Arrow Should Be Introduced To The DCEU

It’s a question that is asked fairly frequently to us. Will the Green Arrow ever be part of the DCEU? Despite fake articles out there claiming the project is underway is wrong. Trust me, I wish there were a Green Arrow project being worked on right now.

The character being introduced does make a lot of sense going forward. Even after Stephen Amell’s version of the character in the Arrow show. The character itself is actually more well known now than it ever was, because of the show.

The reason why this makes more sense than ever is simple, the Black Canary. For those who never watched the Arrow show; Black Canary and Green Arrow are pretty much childhood sweethearts, and fight alongside each other. Something the show disappointingly never really tapped into.

Black Canary was in the Birds of Prey movie, but never even mentioned Oliver Queen at any stage, but I believe this is suspect to Warner Bros unsure on what they’re advanced plans are as of yet. If Black Canary had mentioned him, it would mean he exists in this earth, this universe.

Birds of Prey only earned a low $201,858,461 at the Box Office, yet Jurnee Smollett-Bell was dubbed as one of the standout characters of the movie, which in turn would be great to continue using the actor and character going forward.

I’m not sure what is going to happen after the Snyder Cut Justice League, but I suspect if the movie does well, they may opt for a sequel later down the line, and it would be fantastic to include Green Arrow and the Black Canary.


The fans already have the perfect cast for the role. Charlie Hunnam and Garratt Hedlund, although Hunnam has actively tried to distance himself from the role in the future. However, money talks and superhero movies are where to be right now for actors so it could be a great movie for Charlie. Garratt would also smash the role so I would be happy with either actor.

All in all, the popularity of Arrow show has boosted the Green Arrow’s reputation right up the rankings, so I do honestly believe if they opted for a Green Arrow & Black Canary movie, it would do well with the right directors and screenwriters.

We know both of these characters were fairly pinnacle in the Injustice storyline, as many of you probably saw in the video games. The CW did a lot of things right with both characters, but they also did a few things wrong which could easily be rectified in a live-action movie.

Plus, I would love to see the Green Arrow and The Flash team up again in live-action.

What are your thoughts? Would you like to see the character introduced to the DCEU? Let us know down in the comments below.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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