The Green Lantern movie dropped on the 17th June 2011 and made $219,851,172 at the box office. The movie has a very low 26% Tomatometer, and 45% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Ryan Reynolds portrayed Hal Jordan in the movie, and for the most part, I feel like he did a really good job with the character, albeit a magnitude of people’s divided opinions on the movie.
I will say now before we head into the deep depths of the character, I don’t think the movie was incredible. I also don’t think it’s the state of disgustingly bad either. It was a decent movie to watch, and for the most part, I do like it.
I know Ryan Reynolds himself has had his fair share of digs towards the movie, and that’s okay. I do agree with him. The writing could have been so much better.
But, the article isn’t about the movie. It’s about Ryan’s portrayal as Hal within the movie.
One of the major complaints about the character, and one I seriously don’t understand – it’s that the suit is CGI. For me, personally, I think it’s better the suit is CGI. The suit was stunning, and it really popped. When this complaint arises, we do have to remember this is a superhero character. It’s a superhero movie. These movies are filled with CGI and effects.
Ryan also played Hal perfectly. From the comics I’ve read, video games I’ve played, and animations I’ve watched – this really was the perfect portrayal of Hal in the movie. It was never filled with forced humour, and when you watch the movie you absolutely understand why he is the way he is. This is Hal Jordan after all.
During the movie, Hal learns to wield the Ring and the Lantern. We know wielding this type of power is overwhelming judging by all iterations of the Green Lanterns, and Ryan played this part perfectly. He made it fun, edgy, and nerve-racking all at the same time.
Plus, it’s Ryan Reynolds! Maybe I am a little biased towards the character and movie, but more importantly, this is my unpopular opinion after all. Even one that Ryan doesn’t agree with.
There are tiny small little rumours out there that Ryan may be reprising his role as the Green Lantern in the Snyder Cut. If this happens, I will absolutely be all over it.
I think Ryan didn’t get the justice with the writing and deserved to make the character his own. I obviously understand he’s smashing the Deadpool role right now, but Ryan could play multiple different comic book heroes and pull them off with ease.
What are your thoughts on the character, and even the movie? Let us know down in the comment section below.