Let's TalkMarvelMovies

Why I Think Black Widow Should Not Be Released On Disney+

Black Widow, the movie everyone talks about in terms of being released on a streaming platform. Seemingly the only one that is talked about. Nobody mentions that Venom 2 should be released on a streaming platform.

Also, a side note before we get further into the article. There is no official news stating the movie will be released on the streaming service, but there are many, many articles calling for it.

Black Widow was originally meant for release in May and has unfortunately been delayed twice now due to the COVID19 pandemic. It’s now scheduled for release May 7th, 2021. So, hence the delays, people are calling for it to release on Disney’s popular streaming service, Disney+.

What infuriates me about this is that so many movies have been delayed, many, but it’s only Black Widow that people keep pushing. I typed in Black Widow streaming and Venom 2 streaming on Google. Widow was rife with results, Venom isn’t. Their original releases were a month apart.

Another major point we have to remember. Black Widow had a budget of between $150-$200 million. A lot of people are now already subscribed to Disney+ so it will most likely barely even break even. Now, we have to ask out of everything, is that really fair on Scarlett Johansson?

She’s finally getting her own deservingly solo movie, that deserves a theatrical release. Not to mention how bad Piracy would be for those who wouldn’t shell out £5.99 to watch the movie.


Where I agree might be a better move is a PPV option. Similar to Mulan. At least in this way, the movie may actually do well and pave the way open for this type of release moving forward. After all, let’s say you go to a cinema with 4 people to watch a movie. You’re looking at around $40+. and expensive snacks in the theatre. So, $29.99 could be a good move.

For me, personally, we’re in October now. Black Widow’s new release date is only 7 months away. I understand people’s hype dies, and they fail to get excited due to the delays. I am positively sure the hype will return as the date draws closer. Even potentially another trailer could do the trick.

I know releasing the movie will be a fantastic option for fans, and it sure will keep them happy. But, we have to remember that Disney is a business, and they easily have over a few hundred people that have worked on the movie, they deserve better as well.

Not a single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie has been released any other way, this one shouldn’t be any different.

Plus, once this pandemic is over. Cinemas are going to need all the help they can get, especially as they are struggling currently. Especially in the UK. In the end, we have to remember there’s a chain that goes all the way from the executives at Disney, all the way to the person filling up your popcorn tub.

What are your thoughts? Let me know down in the comments below.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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