Thor’s run in the MCU has been somewhat of a rollercoaster. He’s the only hero in the franchise to receive a fourth film and despite the fact Chris Hemsworth is perfect for the role, his time as Thor hasn’t been as perfect.
If we’re to briefly breeze over his appearances. Thor 1 was boring. Thor 2 was awful. Ragnarok was fantastic. Love and Thunder was one of the worst superhero films I’ve ever watched. His appearances in most Avengers movies have been great, especially Infinity War. Endgame is largely subjective but I wasn’t a fan.
The thing is with the fourth film, it wasn’t just the fact it was poor – it was the fact that Marvel got off to a horrific start with Phase 4 and this didn’t help matters either.
They had a solid cast. Natalie Portman was brilliant as Lady Thor and Christian Bale smashed his role. Then you had the awful CGI, the poorly executed story, and the jokes in almost every single dialogue sequence were the worst decisions ever.
Now, Thor 5. I’ll get there, don’t worry. I just wanted to rant about Thor 4 because it was trash.
As of now, there is currently no confirmation from Marvel about a 5th movie. Conflicting reports are stating that Hemsworth will be willing to return for a 5th but others are stating he wants to spend time with his family and his time with Thor is pretty much done.
Either way, I think Thor 5 could happen. There are unnamed scheduled releases from Marvel for 2025 and 2026 so it’s possible.
If they’re to go with a 5th, the overabundance of jokes for a start needs to stop. Now, Ragnarok had a good balance and I’m not saying quit the jokes, but the balance needs to be right.
CGI was an issue within Marvel but seemingly appears to be resolved judging by releases over the previous 12 months.
We need to see a serious Thor. Infinity War Thor. That’s the Thor we need.
Despite having 4 films and multiple appearances, Infinity War Thor stood out among the rest and equally was subjectively the standout character in that film.
He was laser-focused on his enemy and the objective at hand. He knew what he had to do because he suffered another huge loss in his life. I understand the sarcasm but Thor has suffered more loss than anybody else so I get the hidden humour to hide his true feelings but come on man, the balance has to be good for it to work.
I want to see him truly be a God and not pondering on stuff that shouldn’t matter. After all, he’s over 1,500 years old – I understand that he’s grieving heavily but he ponders on the most stupid things. I.e. the scene in L&T where Starlord is discussing his feelings for the Guardians and he slowly moves in front. Thor should be THE hero, THE God, the ONE that others WANT around because of his power.
I want to see a 5th film because I believe nobody else could play the role better than Chris Hemsworth. A change in Director will be necessary to make it work. I think if a fan of Thor in the comics comes in, they could bring Thor back to relevancy. During any MCU run, there are a few films that I don’t really look forward to but watch them anyway – L&T is one that I actively hate coming up to. I need something to finish the Thor story. A 5th needs to be what does that.

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