Ahead of the final episode of the entire show of Supergirl, I figured I’d give an explanation as to why I’m personally glad it’s ending it’s run inside the Arrowverse.
Don’t get me wrong, Supergirl has had it’s fair share of great seasons, primarily the first two. As well as a few amazing episodes sprinkled into the later seasons, I will admit that.
Melissa Benoist has been such an incredible Kara Danvers ever since she was cast and the first episode premiered. She’s taken this character of Supergirl who was known as “Superman’s cousin” and gave her the spotlight she thoroughly deserved.
Not to mention that Melissa Benoist has inspired many, many, and maybe even thousands of little girls that they can be heroes.
But why am I glad it’s ending?
Well, it’s simple, the entertainment, the quality, the stories, and somewhat characters that have either debuted on the series in the last 3 to 4 seasons.
I’ll start with the quality. Overall it’s a TV budget so maybe it wasn’t movie-level quality and I get that but in some of the seasons for CGI and effects were just damn bad. For example, J’onn J’onnz. The CGI that he has had over the course of the entire series has been up and down. He’s had some great CGI and then some insanely bad CGI.
Entertainment fits into the story so I’ll put these two together. The stories for Supergirl hasn’t always been star-quality story. For example, season 3. Season 3 was the season in which the series started to take a dive into politics. Forcing politics into the episodes was the start of the end for me personally.
Over the course of the series, we’ve been introduced to some fantastic characters and some not so fantastic. Nxy is a prime example. I admit that in the beginning when she was a “friend” in the Phantom Zone she was great, but her as a season villain is just boring.
The episodes have mostly been the same, Nxy shows up, Super-Friends show up, Nxy brings in a giant CGI monster or does something which allows her to easily escape, rinse and repeat. It’s been boring and quite frankly, ruined the final season of Supergirl.
I do have some fond memories and will love some characters after the season ends, like James Olsen, Mon-El, J’onn J’onnz, and Dreamer.

Will I miss the series? Probably not. Will I miss seeing Melissa Benoist as Supergirl? Definitely. She’s been one of the standout heroes in the Arrowverse for me personally.
Photo: Supergirl.