For many Spider-Man fans, we’ve grown up with Peter Parker the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. We’ve had thousands of comics, movie franchises and even animated cartoon shows for the character.
In recent times we’ve had the debut of Miles, Miles debuted as Spider-Man back in 2011 in the Ultimate Fallout #4 comic. Ever since then Miles has been a background character to Peter in comics and especially live-action movies.
It wasn’t until Miles started gaining attention from the story-line in the comics where he killed Captain America. It wasn’t shortly after that a movie got announced which featured none other than Miles.

Miles’s movie was a risky move for Sony as many comic book fans grew up with Peter Parker. Once the trailer released there was nothing but positive stuff said about the movie, from how the animation looked to the characters we’ll get to see introduced.
Many previous Spider-Man movies have had the comic-book feel to them although Into the Spider-Verse had the most comic-book feel to it. The movie had a range of amazing stuff from the 2D, 3D, Digital and even hand-drawn scenes. The movie used these features to give us different moods and emotions a live-action movie could never give us.
The movie also gave us the origin of Miles and Shameik Moore voiced Miles and done incredibly well at that. We also got a range of different versions of Spider-Man or a Spider-Verse character in the movie from Spider-Gwen to Spider-Ham to Spider-Man Noir voiced by Nicolas Cage. These are just some of the characters we’ll most likely not see live-action, I can see Spider-Gwen in live-action but not the others.
Sony even went as far as connecting the Spider-Verse movie to Spider-Man PS4 which was released not long after the movie. The movie even went as far as going bigger as an animated movie and not losing track of the story.
For me personally, I really loved and enjoyed watching this movie and it even went as far as making me a bigger Miles fan than I am a Peter Parker fan. I can not wait to see what the sequel has in store for us with the tease of Spider-Man 2099.