Midnight Suns looked like a huge prospect for gaming with their explosive announcement trailer. If you did miss the introduction then you can see it here;
After that, what’s not to be excited about? Iron Man, Blade, Captain America, and more, as PLAYABLE characters. It just looks incredible.
What was even better was the announcement that the game would follow a similar type of game to that of the XCOM franchise. Personally, XCOM 2 is one of my favorite games. I love the strategy-type games, especially those where every single move you make can make a difference. The shot you take, and the equipment you use, can all have consequences.
So for a Marvel game to have that formula of turn-based, I was all for it, until I learned the ultimate truth – it’s a card game.
Yes. They added a deck of cards that you use to control the battle. It looks awful. It feels awful.
Although XCOM had RNG elements in play when it comes to the shot you take, you knew the risk when you took that shot. Whereas with this, you may not even draw a card for the character you want to make a move. It sounds absolute trash.
According to the latest first preview from IGN, you can only take 3 characters into battle. In XCOM, you had 6, plus in the odd mission where your ship was shot down, you could use your full character pool. You can see the first preview video from IGN here;
I’m usually the first to jump in to defend anything but this looks bad. It looks like a glorified mobile game. Don’t get me wrong, the character choices are great and the suits look awesome – everything else? Meh.
It seems like they have no idea where they’re going. The recent story trailer added nothing to hype me up for the story either. You can see the new trailer below, if I didn’t watch other first reviews, I’d still have no idea what’s actually going on;
All in all, if I wanted a game like this and not pay £50, I’d download Marvel Strike Force. I don’t know many people who are too thrilled with the card aspect either.
I hope I can eat my words and the experience is a lot better than what we’ve been shown, but as of now, I am not convinced.
I’ll continue to monitor the game as the weeks pass on by for the new release date of October 7th, 2022.
Oh, Marvel games really need to stop adding Spider-Man in and thinking it sells. It doesn’t. Look at Marvel’s Avengers.
Leave Spider-Man to Insomniac. They know how to handle the character properly and do the character justice.