As of yesterday, the hashtag on Twitter reached over a whopping one million Tweets from users all around the world, and it does send a clear message to Warner Bros.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League went from being a myth to showing us just how great the movie could have been back in 2017. Granted, 4 hours was a bit long but definitely needed and I enjoyed every minute of it.
It feels like WB doesn’t care for the movement, or has any interest in Zack taking over the DC Extended Universe going forward, but it sure is something that needs to be considered. When a hashtag on Twitter is tweeted that many times, it’s time to wake up.
When you look at Marvel, they have flown through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, becoming the most popular franchise on the planet. I’m more of a Marvel fan than DC, but I can appreciate that DC has a far superior potential than Marvel did. So, why are we not capitalising on a franchise that has an endless catalogue of characters?
Zack Snyder has a vision for the DCEU, this was proven in his version of the Justice League in the Nightmare scenes, and also Martian Manhunter showing up at the end.
More importantly, they have a great base of castings already in place. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Jason Mamoa as Aquaman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Ezra Miller as The Flash and many others.
Understandably Ben Affleck looks to be done with the role, but they do have Robert Pattinson there donning the suit at the moment. It wouldn’t take a lot to bring him in. The foundation is now there in such a positive way, Zack deserves to take on the universe.
It’s not even about toxic fans clashing anymore, it’s a movement, and one DC fans are really pushing hard for. I mean, they were pushing for the Snyder Cut all the way back in 2017 after Whedon’s version was released.
I say it again, over ONE MILLION Tweets, and that was 24 hours ago. I can’t even begin to fathom what the number is at now, but when so many fans want it, why aren’t they getting it? Surely that’s where the money is?
It’s not even just on Twitter the hashtag is popping off. If you look at any post on social media whether it be Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, the hashtag pops up on any official WB or DC pages.
The one thing I love about the DC fandom is that they’re persistent. Again, this is proven with the Snyder Cut. Once they realise they want something, they will never let up and it’s a fantastic side to have with any fandom, because after all, we, the fans, know what we want.
And that’s what sells.