Revan is one of the most interesting characters in Star Wars Legends. I think his popularity has been soaring since the KOTOR games and he’s up there with the likes of Starkiller.
For some brief background, I have attached a beneficial history lesson around Revan which is easy to digest and gives a clear indication of who Revan is and his story.
Revan is interesting because he was a Jedi turned Sith turned Jedi. It’s a similar story to Anakin’s road to light, dark, and light again but Revan’s return back to the light was different.
When Malak attacked, Revan suffered amnesia. It’s here that the Jedi decided to retrain him as a Jedi once again realizing just how powerful he was. The Jedi were successful here as Revan did eventually defeat Malak.
When it comes to Star Wars on the live-action front, it’s been relatively weak for a while. What makes it more baffling is there are stories like Revan’s that would be more entertaining instead of The Acolyte. Like many Star Wars fans, we’ve had enough of the Skywalker era. There’s so much more to explore in The Old Republic, one of the characters being Revan alongside Bastilla Shan.
It gives potential showrunners more freedom to do what they need to do here. There is lore but it’s Legends as it currently stands. We know some aspects of the Legends lore have been incorporated into the canon universe but there’s still so much more to explore.
The Acolyte was a failure because nobody truly cared. The timeline was fine, they got it right. It’s time to look at other timelines because there are so many comics, books, games, and more to look at. Revan is a prime example of a character that would pop with the fans if it’s done right.
His mask and outfit are incredible, his fighting style is great, his story is intriguing and so much more. I know people want Starkiller to have a live-action appearance and I do too but for me, I’d rather they looked at Revan more than they did with Starkiller.
You just need to look at this YouTube animated video of the fight between Revan and Malak where Malak has his jaw cut clean off with a lightsaber strike to see how great this could be with a full-blown budget and in live-action;
I firmly believe it’s time to look past the Skywalker era and explore already-established legends characters. As I’ve already mentioned, it’s not just Revan in this timeline. There’s Malak, Bastilla Shan, even Nihilus and so many more.
The KOTOR remake trailer despite the issues with that game shows that fans want something like this so why not? It surely can’t be any worse than some of the Star Wars content we’ve had in recent years, right?
Would you like to see Revan in live-action? If not, what other character would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below.

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As someone who grew up with these movies starting with the first three and played all the games and own them all, I agree that I think this is the time to start fresh in a way with building the story of the Old Republic and with the characters that defined it. Revan at times is that character some scoff at or roll their eyes stating, “Just like everyone else.” when you mention your a fan of the character, however, the same can be said with fans that love Vader, Boba Fett, even Han and Luke.
Revan’s story is amazing and well designed. Where options are there but you can feel and see what direction to take it as he himself was in fact a balance in the force when it came to the light and dark and those touched by it. He saw everything and everyone equal and for that reason he has a story that would work. He was part of both worlds of the force and lived through a war just like the characters we know now. Though his real name and face are hidden from us, yes I believe Revan was a title like Vader and Maul, but we could get a story about who he was and became from all these moments in his life.
I think as pushing it as I could see it, nine movies would work. Three telling of him as a jedi and fighting in the Mandalorian war, three returning and seeing his dark side as Darth Revan, and the last three his redemption and story based around the KOTOR games. Yes it sounds close to Anakins story but in many ways he himself has that kind of story but in a slight, SLIGHT, way its different and better. We could watch the Jedi in their own actions show how back then they were their own worst enemy with how they did things and hidden things from people. How the sith army controlled worlds and the republic in a sense had to just deal with it. Where a line was drawn and all that could be done was wait and see how it would all end.
KOTOR in its own right is sadly ignored or pushed aside for fresh ideas and I get that, but with so many new stories that seem to miss what the story at the time is about and we keep adding to a time line that was already written and set, forcing things in it like more jedi and crazy ideas that make no sense, we should step back and see that there is a time line rarely if never touched. It may not be loved by many but given time and effort to tell a long streaming story of someone like Revan and the legacy left by them for future good and bad to touch on, we could end up seeing a new SW that a story can really be told and better yet an endless way of safely adding to the series without altering and forcing changes to the first six movies. Yes I said six and no I do not hate the last three movies just dislike them for reasons related to being a fan of the legends series.
So in the end, if Disney lets someone with love, talent, good history, and willingness to learn about the series before touching it and make sure nothing is changed to a degree of causing damage to a beautiful and perfect game, they would probably see the future of SW come back to life and a means to regain new fans and old fans in a galaxy far far away.