A grand total of three Batman games exist. Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. Whilst all three games have been great, I do feel like it’s time to move on.
Arkham Knight was a pleasure to play, but at times it got incredibly boring and only felt different on the times you got to control a different hero, ie Nightwing.
The games improved drastically as they went, becoming bigger, and better. But what more can they do? Ask yourself that, is there anything monumental they can do differently? Each game nailed it perfectly, it’s difficult to comprehend that they could add much more.
When Spider-Man’s Insomniac game came out, it felt refreshing, different, and incredible to play due to Activision continuously letting the game franchise die off.
We had that in 2018, and we’re set to get an Avengers came later in the year, however, WB is still stuck on the idea of Batman, again.
I would happily take a Batman game. I would pre-order and buy it day one with zero questions asked. However, I just feel like they could switch to a new focus.
Warner Bros recently rejected the idea of a Superman game, and I’m actually glad that they did. I just feel like Superman isn’t the most interesting character, and it would get boring real quick.
If they are to do a Batman game, it needs to be a full Bat-family game, and not just centre focused on Bruce himself. I want to play more Red Hood, more Nightwing, more Robin.
If they are to switch then wow, I can’t even pick a hero out individually as DC’s catalogue is massive. ATOM, Green Arrow/Black Canary, Red Hood, Lantern Corps, hell, just give us a Justice League game.
The issue is after a third superhero game, it tends to get tedious. We know all there is to Batman, and the him and Joker story is closed and I feel like it will be too much if they release another central-focused Batman game.
As mentioned above, the catalogue of DC characters is massive. So, I really don’t see why they should focus on another Batman game. It takes a lot away from the characters that could really work in a video game format.
What do you think? Do you think they should go ahead with another Batman game? Or do you think it’s time to move on to something else?