It has now been over a year since Survivor graced our lives. Over a year later, we’re still without DLC. We know from Fallen Order that the game only received one bout of DLC which was largely cosmetic only but that was good enough at the time.
I’m not expecting Respawn to throw out a fully-fledged DLC pack with a new set of story missions and whatnot as nice as that would be – I know judging from the first game, it won’t happen.
I do believe though we should get some quality-of-life upgrades and new cosmetics. This way they keep the game alive. I remember when they added the Inquisitor outfit and the red saber to Fallen Order and just from those alone, I was hooked again.
I’ve played through Survivor a handful of times, I want to play the game again but I don’t want to play what I’ve already played through.
There is so much cosmetic-wise they could add to the game. New sets of Jedi outfits, another set of Inquisitor outfits, a Sith outfit and so much more. Even on the lightsaber front, there’s an abundance of options they could include and all of this is just purely cosmetic.
Between both games, fans had to wait 3 and a half years. If we’re judging by this timeline, the third (announced) game won’t be here for another 2 and a half years which is a long time to wait.
By providing fans with DLC content, it keeps fans satisfied for a short while longer. I love this series and it’s up there with some of my all-time favorite games but I do think there needs to be something added to bring fans back to the game.
What do you think? Should Respawn drop some cosmetic DLC or perhaps just leave the game alone and look forward to the third game? Let us know in the comments below.

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