Force Unleashed 2 was released all the way back in October 2010, almost 10 years ago now. Whilst the game received mixed opinions across the board, it had a monumental amount of potential, something that cannot be ignored.
The two games essentially follow Starkiller. A secret apprentice by Darth Vader unknown to Emperor Palpatine. Starkiller was trained by Vader from a young age. The story turns as Starkiller turns good, gets killed, comes back as a clone, gets his old memories back and so on.
It’s safe to say Starkiller lived up to his name. Bringing down Star Destroyers with the force, going toe to toe with Vader, even besting him in a duel and much more. He was the pure definition of seriously overpowered.
At the time of release, the games were canon. However, after a short while the game’s were no longer classed as canon, but now in the ‘legends’ category, a serious problem with the Star Wars universe.
Starkiller was played by Sam Witwer and played the character down to an absolute T. The game allowed you to duel wield lightsabers and change the colour of the blades throughout the progress. It was a game with untapped potential.
Fast forward to 2019 with the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and the potential of a third Force Unleashed was realised more than ever. Fallen Order was an almost perfect game. Using the same engines and development team, a third Force Unleashed could be perfect.
Star Wars has a habit of bringing things in and out of canon and legends whenever they feel like it. Boba Fett and Darth Maul were two of them alone, so I see no reason as to why they can’t pull these stories out.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a third game, it could be a complete remake but using the same character and origin story. What’s better, is Sam is a fantastic actor in shows and movies, so there’s potential to bring him in live-action as well. Bringing the video games and live-action universes together, something they have huge potential with Cameron Monaghan and Cal Kestis.
The Force Unleashed was one of my first ventures into the Star Wars universe besides the movies. So, of course, the games hold a special place in my heart.
A lot happened between Episode 3 and Episode 4 across a lot of years – so it makes sense this should be one of the stories that are kept canon. Fair enough leave the clones out of it as that’s too much, but the rest was fine in my opinion.
The game could explore both Starkiller and Cal, since they were around at the same time when Vader and the Inquisitors were at their heights. Imagine seeing them both come together to fight the Emperor’s army?!
We know Fallen Order 2 is pretty much a given at this point, and we know Cal will fail in his attempt to restore the Jedi Order, as this happens through Luke in the original movie series. So, what better way of making this entire plot explosive?
Customisation, different planets, a new Force Unleashed game could really improve on everything from 10 years ago – especially considering the games technology has vastly improved since then.
What are your thoughts? Should EA/Disney pull the trigger on this? Let us know down in the comments below what your thoughts are.