The Acolyte has had its fair share of critics which have been there since even before the show aired. Some of them justified, some of them hating for the sake of it.
The series in its entirety has not been great. It’s had 1 fantastic episode in episode 5 and that’s it. The fact they did a flashback scene in episode 7, 1 episode before the finale is an odd decision in of itself.
Episodes 3 and 7 could’ve easily been combined into 1 as even 7 had a lot of the same scenes in it. It didn’t make much sense to go down this route and I’ll explain why.
When The Acolyte was announced, the time the show was set was intriguing. We know Yoda is the Grand Master Jedi at this stage so where is he?
What’s the update on Darth Plagueis?
How does this show tie into canon when it continually keeps breaking it?
There are unique parts of the Star Wars that no longer feel unique such as Anakin’s conception or knowing the Jedi weren’t living in peace for all of that time as they claimed. Even Ki-Adi-Mundi claimed the Sith are extinct and have been for a “millennia”.
I do not doubt that the final episode should heat up but my concern is that we don’t get a season 2. There’s still so much more to explore in this timeline.
I can already say it now that the episode will feel rushed because it had no proper setup going into it. We know Osha is still with Qimir and nothing happened towards the end of episode 6.
This means in 30-35 minutes, they have to find the time to get the story back on track with Sol, Mae, and Osha. There needs to be an obvious fight here and some sort of cliffhanger into the second episode. I can’t see how it can’t be rushed unless it’s around an hour runtime which we know it won’t be.
All in all, I don’t hate the show but I do believe it could’ve been a lot better. It’s definitely the weakest Star Wars show that’s come out. I did expect more from it and I wanted more from it. I do hope that a second season is announced though so we can spend more time building this new universe because it does need it.

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