So, back when The Mandalorian myself, as well as thousands of others, didn’t know what to expect when the show was announced, all we knew was that it was about a Mandalorian.
It wasn’t until a Yoda animatronic was spotted on set that people started to question stuff about the series, when was it set, what was the purpose of the Yoda species being on set?
Then we got some castings, Pedro Pascal as the unnamed Mandalorian. Pedro came into the series and absolutely killed the role, he’s taking the Mandalorian persona to a whole new level.

Then we got to see a trailer, which blew people away. People were excited about something that was Star Wars related but not about a Skywalker or a Palpatine. We got to see more of the expanded universe.
Season 1 premiered and we didn’t truly know what we were in for. After each episode, the ratings, the excitement, people talking, and people making theories kept rising.
In season 1 we reviewed and rated the entire season by doing episodically reviews. We gave the first episode a 10, then the second episode a 10, then the third, and from there each episode just got better and bigger, each episode receiving a 10 rating. This was a first for us.
We got to see not just one Mandalorian but we got to see more Mandalorians, some of who had connections to The Clone Wars. We got to see Baby Yoda who has taken the world by storm, not just Star Wars fans but casuals alike.
Season 2 was announced even before season 1 was premiered, they took a gamble but it paid off. They then announced some castings and people from Star Wars lore that would appear in the second season from Sabine Wren, Ahsoka to Boba Fett, they went and brought a Legends story to Canon.
Let’s not forget about the villains, Moff Gideon, and the remnants of the newly destroyed Empire. The one thing that caught me off guard was seeing Moff Gideon wielding the Dark Saber.
I don’t know what is in store for season two but after everything that has been announced, I’m truly excited. I haven’t been this excited for a piece of Star Wars content since I saw the John Boyega promotional material of him using a lightsaber.
The Mandalorian also has connections to each of the three trilogies. It has the New Republic which formed after the old trilogy, the bad guys are the last of that. It has a connection to the prequels as Din Djarin was a child when that happened and it could potentially have a connection to the sequels with the introduction to Ilum before the First Order took over the entire planet.