A couple of months ago news broke that the CW had “Wonder Girl” in development and it would focus on Yara Flor as Wonder Girl and would be a Latina who descends from an Amazonian warrior and a Brazilian river god.
Well today, news broke that the Wonder Girl series would not be picked up by the CW for a series. This would be the second of two new potential superhero spin-offs not picked up by the CW with the first being Green Arrow and the Canaries.
Dailyn Rodriguez who wrote the script confirmed on Twitter:
While the CW has chosen not to pick up the series itself, it doesn’t truly mean the series is not going ahead.
The series can be moved around and another channel or streaming service could potentially pick it up and greenlight it for a series in the near future.

Personally, I’m ok with the CW not picking this up as a series as she’s recently been introduced in the comics in “Future State” and if she was introduced into the Arrowverse, it wouldn’t work in my opinion.