Season 1 Episode 5 – “Team member shit Genosha as UN honorees while a press event risks exposing the team’s dirty laundry.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Nightcrawler. He is absolutely fantastic. I love everything about his character, powers, and more. He’s a great character and he looks amazing in this animation style. This is the first time I’ve praised the animation style of the series.
2. I do like how content Wolverine is with Jean being with Scott. He knows that Jean and Scott belong together even when she kisses Wolverine, he turns around and tells her to go back to Scott. He’s happy that she’s happy.
3. Is this how they are going to connect the X-Men to the main Marvel Cinematic Universe, through The Watcher from the “What If…?” series? In a scene at the timestamp “15:46” in the sky, you can clear as day see The Watcher.
4. Gambit manages to destroy three Sentinels while Rogue and Magneto destroy a few more. Gambit saves the Morlocks while Magneto uses a train as a weapon against the big Sentinel ship. The big Sentinel ship hits Magneto with a blast but Magneto uses a magnetic field to stop it for as long as he can, but it is just too much and Magneto gets hit with a blast, seemingly killing him.
5. Gambit being the powerful mutant I believed him to be, goes running towards the ship that killed Magneto until he is impaled by a metal rod from the ship. Gambit uses his powers to turn it into a giant bomb, killing him and destroying the ship.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be Cable appearing too late while an explosion happens at the party on Genosha. A Sentinel kills many mutants, and Nightcrawler barely manages to save Rogue and Magneto but gets hit with a blast.
Standout Character
It was between Magneto and Gambit. I’m going with Gambit. A lot of people write him off in many aspects of his character from comics, games, movies, etc. This episode showed just how powerful he is.
Honestly, I don’t know what I watched but it was amazing from the very beginning. The episode was fantastic in the Genosha side of things and even fantastic in the side where the humans filmed inside of the X-Mansion. Overall a great episode.
Rating: 10/10

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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Honestly, I don't know what I watched but it was amazing from the very beginning. The episode was fantastic in the Genosha side of things and even fantastic in the side where the humans filmed inside of the X-Mansion. Overall a great episode.